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List of Buildings issued with Energy Audit Form

Search for Records of Energy Audit Forms

* mandatory

Notes and Disclaimer :

  1. Pursuant to the section 23 of the Ordinance, the building owner is required to exhibit a copy of the valid Energy Audit Form in a conspicuous position at the main entrance of the building. If it is found that a valid Energy Audit Form is not exhibited in accordance with the Ordinance, you may notify this office to follow up.
  2. An energy audit involves the systematic review of the energy consuming equipment/systems in a building by a registered energy assessor employed by the owner of a building to identify energy management opportunities (EMO), which provides useful information for the building owner to decide on and implement the energy saving measures for environmental consideration and economic benefits. If the building data has not yet been found in this list one month after the submission of the copy of the relevant Energy Audit Form to this office, the relevant person may make enquiries to this office whether his/ her submission has been received.
  3. Energy Utilization Index (EUI), in relation to the total energy consumption of the central building services installations in a building, means dividing total energy consumption for a specific period by the total internal floor area of the building.
  4. The EUI can be used as one of the references for energy management of the building. Since the coverage, operation mode and operation hours of central building services installations in each building are different, it may not be appropriate to directly compare the EUI of different buildings. Even for the same building, the energy consumption in different periods would be affected by many external factors, such as reduced /increased operation hours due to operational needs, changes in occupancy, weather, etc., which would affect the EUI of the building. Therefore, an increase in the EUI does not necessarily mean that the energy efficiency or energy management of the building has deteriorated.
  5. The energy audit information is provided for the sole purpose pursuant to section 23 of the Ordinance. The information may be subject to change from time to time upon further update and clarification received from the owner of the buildings without further notification. Unauthorized use, transmission, disclosure, copying or alteration of the provided information is strictly forbidden. The Government accepts no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from or related to the use of such information.

Search results of Energy Audit Forms

Total2649records found First Page 1/265 Last Page
Building Name
1-2 Li Yuen Street EastHong Kong
+WOO (Phase 1 & 2) (Former: Fortune Kingswood Phase I & Phase II) 12-18 Tin Yan Road , Tin Shui Wai, New Territories
1 Des Voeux Road West 1 Des Voeux Road West , Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
1 Duddell Street 1 Duddell Street , Central, Hong Kong
1 Lyndhurst Tower 1-7 Lyndhurst Terrace , Central, Hong Kong
10 Pottinger Street 10 Pottinger Street , Central, Hong Kong
10 Prat 10 Prat Avenue , Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
100 Belcher's Street 100 Belcher's street , Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
100QRC 100 Queen's Road Central , Central, Hong Kong
101 King's Road 101 King's Road , North Point, Hong Kong
Total2649records found First Page 1/265 Last Page

Last Revision Date: 4 Feb, 2025

Building Details
Building Name
Building Address

Previous Energy Audit Latest Energy Audit
Expiry Date of Energy Audit Form
EUI** (MJ/m2/annum)

Remark: **Energy Utilization Index (EUI)= Total energy consumption of the central building services installations (MJ / annum)
Total internal floor area of building (m2)