Voluntary Registration Scheme for Technicians
Handling Mildly Flammable Refrigerant of Household Air-conditioners

About Registration

Detailed Information and Application Method

Promotional Materials
(Traidtional Chinese version only)
How to Apply
Voluntary Registration Scheme for Technicians Handling Mildly Flammable Refrigerant of Household Air-conditioners - How to Apply

How to Apply for Registration of Technician Handling Mildly Flammable Refrigerant of Household Air-conditioners (04/2023 Version) [PDF format (2.21MB)]

Applicants can submit the completed application form together with supporting documents and materials by one of the following ways:

By post Registration Unit for the Technicians Handling Mildly Flammable Refrigerant of Household Air-conditioners,
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
By email fr.safety@emsd.gov.hk
Continuing Professional Development
Application Documents