Understanding the close relationship between our services and the daily lives of people, as well as the operations of other government departments, the EMSD endeavours to provide comprehensive quality engineering services with integrated cutting-edge and intelligent technologies.
Conversion of
                                General Wards Icon
Conversion of General Wards
The EMSD supported the Hospital Authority in converting certain general wards of public hospitals into second-tier isolation wards to ensure air filtration in the wards and create a negative pressure environment for the maintenance of patient safety.
Introducing Smart
                                Energy Monitoring
                                System for School Icon
Introducing Smart Energy Monitoring System for School
The EMSD helped establish the first Smart Energy Monitoring System in Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary School. The system enables proactive monitoring and management of energy consumption.
                                Location Tracking
                                with GWIN-on-Drone Icon
Enhancing Location Tracking with GWIN-on-Drone
The EMSD worked with the Fire Services Department to use a drone to carry a lightweight Government-Wide Internet of Things Network gateway (GWIN-on-Drone) and tracking devices for testing the effectiveness of the location tracking system.
                                Smart Customs
                                Blueprint Icon
Implementing Smart Customs Blueprint
The EMSD helped the Customs and Excise Department to deploy new computed tomography scanners for contraband detection. These scanners can detect contraband from all angles, providing an advanced solution for enhancing detection capabilities.
                                Smart Operation
                                and Maintenance
                                Solutions Icon
Providing Smart Operation and Maintenance Solutions
The EMSD delivered a range of smart solutions to the Civil Aviation Department (CAD). These solutions have been successfully implemented, leading to significant improvements in the operation and maintenance of facilities at the CAD Headquarters.
                                        Crowd Control
                                        Solution Icon
Upgrading Crowd Control Solution
The EMSD assisted the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department in crowd management at Lunar New Year fairs by leveraging overhead people counting devices to facilitate monitoring of visitor headcount in venues.