The General Engineering Services Division saw revenue decline slightly in 2003/04 compared to 2002/03, as many of its addition, alteration and improvement projects came to an end. At the same time, the launch of Integrated Services in April 2003 was a success, with clients giving their overwhelming support to the new mode of service in a customer survey conducted in September 2003. The Division will continue to focus on service enhancement and productivity improvement, and to pass savings on to clients through price reductions and value-added service enhancements.

Our staff testing photovoltaic panels on the rooftop of EMSD new headquarters.

There were several highlights to the Division's work last year. One was the Noise Abatement Project for the Education and Manpower Bureau. The project involved minor building work, including the installation of double-glazed windows and air-conditioning systems, in classrooms of some sub-vented schools throughout Hong Kong to reduce noise from traffic and to comply with Environmental Protection Department standards.

Another highlight was the Tourism Commission's Harbour Lighting Show, known as "A Symphony of Lights". Working in a tight timeframe, the Division completed various lighting and building services installations at Hong Kong City Hall, Queensway Government Offices, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the Academy for Performing Arts, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army Forces Hong Kong Building. With the innovative use of a variety of energy efficient lights, including LED lights, searchlights and colour changing floodlights, as well as the most up-to-date lighting control techniques, the project enabled exciting interactive lighting effects to be displayed on the seafront of Victoria Harbour. At the time of writing, the Division is also assisting in the project management and the design of Phase Two of the Show which will cover additional buildings of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Hong Kong Coliseum.
Colourful lights installed by the EMSTF team at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Web-based remote monitoring was introduced to many client venues during the year. Wherever possible, the Division has installed remote monitoring facilities to government buildings to enable continuous remote-monitoring of the operating conditions of onsite E&M plants and facilities via broadband. Queensway Government Offices, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun Government Offices, the Aberdeen Police Training School, and the Fanling Police Tactical Unit Headquarters are just some of the venues to benefit from this initiative. Web-based remote monitoring will be gradually extended to other Government buildings in due course.

The year 2003/04 also marked the beginning of a successful strategic move to help clients devise master plans to save energy, acquire better housekeeping practices and implement energy saving opportunities. This may present increasing business opportunities in the future.

Looking forward, the year 2004/05 may see further revenue drop as more injected addition, alteration and improvement projects reach completion. The Division will continue to work on new business opportunities and pursue cost savings to make up the shortfall.

We maintain the ultra-violet disinfection system of an air-conditioning system.