This division provides engineering services for a wide range of facilities and equipment in government venues. Most government departments are customers of this division while key customers include the Government Property Agency, Architectural Services Department and the Judiciary.

In the year under review, one of the key productivity enhancement measures was the implementation of computerised condition-based monitoring in order to maintain a high level of equipment availability by continuous monitoring of equipment operations. After a successful pilot scheme at the North Point Government Offices Building, the technique will be applied to four other government venues. Other initiatives included a variety of business process improvement measures, wider application of the intranet and new IT systems to enhance data management and decision making. A review of the maintenance frequency of E&M equipment also released staff for maintenance work at new venues. Additionally, two satellite depots in Tuen Mun and Fanling were set up, further reducing service response times.

The division performed numerous tasks for clients to their great satisfaction. These included a variety of maintenance and repair works at diverse venues, from the High Court and Family Court to RTHK and the Cheung Sha Wan wholesale market. RTHK, for example, was able to minimise the shut-down time of its heavily used youth studio building as a result of this division's innovative approach to overhauling its split-type air-conditioning units. By modifying the casing of the indoor unit, so that all interior parts, such as the fan motor and cooling coils, could be accessed from the bottom casing without the dismounting of the entire unit, staff took only four days to complete the overhaul which would normally have taken 10 days given the client's strict acoustic requirements.

Looking forward, the division will continue to add value to customers by, for example, helping to reduce client electricity bills by assisting them to analyse their consumption rates and patterns, and then to apply for the most economical rates with the power utilities. The division has been conducting numerous energy audits for client venues, also pursuing energy management opportunities, such as the retrofit of electronic ballasts for lighting systems as well as the installation of variable speed drives in fresh air handling units and chilled water pumps. Over time, these activities will add value to customers via cost savings and pro-active contributions to energy conservation.