One of the key events in customer service in this division has been the prompt support given to the Urban Services Department (USD) in taking over the Hong Kong Stadium from a private management company. Subsequent to USD's takeover of the venue in May 1998, this division was called in, quickly identifying and rectifying a wide range of engineering problems at the Stadium which arose from a lack of proper maintenance in the past. It provided professional advice and hands-on support on the operation and maintenance of plant and systems at the venue. Working closely with the Architectural Services Department, the EMSTF team also rectified a water leakage problem, which enabled the venue to re-open in September 1998 as scheduled. This success led to an ongoing service contract with USD at the Stadium, and demonstrates the Trading FundŐs ability to provide clients with urgently needed, reliable technical advice and support in crisis situations.

Another key event was the success of the division's Airport Services Sub-division in securing several competitive maintenance contracts at the Hong Kong International Airport. The sub-division eventually became the new Airport Sector Division in 1998. This enabled the Municipal Sector Division to focus on its key clients, namely, autonomous bodies such as the Provisional Urban and Regional Councils, trading fund customers such as the Post Office Trading Fund, and government departments such as the Marine Department.

During the year, the division secured the business of two new venues of the Provisional Regional Council - Kwai Tsing Theatre and Hong Kong Heritage Museum. Working with the Council as a long term partner, the division started discussions with the client on service requirements long before the completion of the two venues so that they could be serviced immediately without delay.

The division also made extra efforts to ensure clients' embedded electronic systems will function properly during the new millennium transition. Y2K walk-throughs for eleven highly critical venues were held in early 1999, and all embedded systems in clients' buildings were identified and tested for Y2K compliance.

Looking ahead, the division's business is expected to grow as more than 50 new municipal facilities are scheduled for completion in 1999/2000. The ability to provide specialist services, such as indoor air quality improvement and energy saving projects, as well as other value-added-services for clients such as contract supervision, contractor monitoring and advice on budget estimates and tender procedures, will ensure that clients of the Municipal Sector Division will enjoy truly unrivaled, one-stop quality service.