20 Related party transactions
Apart from those separately disclosed in the accounts, other material related party transactions for the year are summarised as follows:
   Services provided to related parties included vehicle services; electrical, mechanical and electronic services; and project and consultancy services. The total revenue derived from these services amounted to $2,873 million. This amount was included in Revenue under note 3.
   Services received from related parties included maintenance, accommodation, central administration and auditing. The total cost incurred on these services amounted to $354 million. This amount was included in Operating costs under note 4.
Services provided to related parties were priced on a cost-plus basis. Services received from related parties were charged at the rates payable by the general public for services which were also available to the public or on a full cost recovery basis for services which were available only to related parties.

Comparative figures are not provided for first year disclosure.

21 Comparative figures
Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the current year's presentation.