The past year has been one of steady growth and development for this division, which provides operation and maintenance services to transport and security departments such as Transport, Highways, the Police, Fire Services, Correctional Services, Customs and Excise and the ICAC. Another area of work is contractor monitoring and advisory services in connection with the operation and maintenance of the Tsing Ma Control Area and government tunnels.

Working behind the scenes, since April 1998, this division has taken over the maintenance responsibility for 33 government piers, which were previously maintained by franchised ferry operators. The division also took on the maintenance of new computerised traffic light junctions, new public lighting equipment on the West Kowloon Expressway and Route 3, and the maintenance of new trunk radio systems for Fire Services and Correctional Services.

One of the division's strengths is the measurement and improvement of air quality for public transport interchanges and client offices. A case in point is Immigration Department's border control kiosks at Sha Tau Kok and Man Kam To. Heavy traffic through the control points created a high level of air pollutants and unsatisfactory working conditions for officers on duty in these kiosks. The division conducted a pilot scheme to install pre-treated cooling fresh air units which deliver conditioned fresh air drawn from the top of the kiosk canopy. Subsequent tests indicated significant improvement in indoor air quality and the client decided to install the system at all border kiosks.

The division is constantly exploring new technologies to improve service reliability, such as thermo scanners for low voltage switchboards, the implementation of condition-based maintenance and use of geographical information system. The application of these technologies is in the pilot stages but is expected to boost the efficiency of maintenance work significantly.

In response to public concerns with regard to flooding in subways and underpasses during heavy rains, the division is working with the Highways Department to install remote auto-dialling warning systems in major subways and underpasses.

The division looks forward to more business opportunities in public security, traffic control, energy efficiency and indoor air quality improvement projects in the next year.