EMSD publishes codes of practice to strengthen quality control within the industry.

All approved gas appliances with the "GU Mark" have been subjected to quality assurance checks in Hong Kong laboratories.

At EMSD, we work closely with other government agencies and the community to provide a regulatory framework that will ensure public safety in electrical, mechanical and gas applications. With an experienced team of professional engineers, inspectors and technicians, our aim is to achieve and maintain a high standard of public safety. We administer safety legislation and issue codes of practice and guidelines on the safe use of electricity, gas, and lifts and escalators as well as in such diverse areas as amusement rides, aerial ropeways and the Peak Tramway. We also act as a technical advisor to the government on a range of safety issues and provide recommendations on the legislation necessary to ensure public safety.


Strengthening Control Over
LPG Cylinder Distributors

EMSD has published the Code of Practice for Cylinder LPG Distributors to provide operational guidance and strengthen quality control within the industry. The code helps to establish effective management methods, as required by government regulations, and to develop a monitoring system for cylinder LPG distributors. Key points of focus are:
Computerised customer database and
Requirement that distributors be
registered gas contractors
Resource management

Facts & Figures
EMSD is responsible for the enforcement of gas safety legislation in the importation, manufacture, storage, transport, supply and use of Towngas, LPG and natural gas. In 2001, we conducted more than 7,000 site inspections and made 430 visits to gas contractors as part of an ongoing effort to monitor their performance. A total of 673 LPG road tankers and cylinder wagons were inspected, and 510 gas incidents were reported during the year. The number of incidents has been on a downward trend since 1997.

Continuous training for employees
Quality assurance
Regular audit of distributors

The code of practice consists of two modules, namely C1 and C2. Module C1, which delineates the methodology of safe operation and management, was implemented in 2001. At the same time, we completed the groundwork to prepare for the full implementation of Module C2, which sets out the qualification requirement for distributors. We also explained to distributors the rationale behind the two modules and provided details of their implementation through various briefing sessions. A liaison group was formed by EMSD and trade representatives in early 2002, and regular meetings were held to discuss issues of concern and to monitor the situation and progress of the trial implementation. Joint pilot audits had also been conducted prior to the full implementation in October 2002.

We are now preparing, in collaboration with the trade, a leaflet called "Knowing the Distributors". It will serve as a useful reference for members of the public selecting a distributor.
