“Water-cooled air-conditioning systems are gaining momentum in Hong Kong. Leading the way is the cooling tower type. The upsurge in the adoptions of this more energy-efficient air conditioning system reflects growing awareness and interest among developers and management companies.”
Lam Poon-wah
Chief Building Services Engineer
(Energy Efficiency Office)
The Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme now covers 17 product categories.
EMSD is a member of the Support Group on Renewable Energy under the Strategy Sub-committee of the Council for Sustainable Development.
Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme
2004 was another productive year for the Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme (EELS). It was extended to cover three additional product categories, namely electronic ballasts, computers and domestic gas instantaneous water heaters, bringing the total number of product categories under the scheme to 17.
The EELS has been well received by both the industry and consumers since its introduction in 1995. It has been instrumental in phasing out less energy-efficient products in the market. The Energy Label is highly regarded by consumers as it provides energy consumption information to help them make wise choices when selecting energy-efficient appliances.
Sustainable Development Strategy
EMSD is an active member of the Support Group on Renewable Energy under the Strategy Sub-committee of the Council for Sustainable Development. As such, we help to identify those issues in the field of renewable energy that are most relevant to Hong Kong, with reference to international experience and best practices. In 2004, the Council compiled a comprehensive Invitation and Response” document, with technical input and support from EMSD, and invited members of the public and stakeholders to take part in an interactive discussion, airing their opinions and exchanging views. The Council is now collating these responses and preparing a proposal for consideration.
Product Categories under the Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme
Household appliances
Room coolers
Washing machines
Electric clothes dryers
Compact fluorescent lamps
Electric storage water heaters
Electric rice cookers
Television sets
Electronic ballasts
Domestic gas instantaneous water heaters
Office Equipment
Multifunction devices
Laser printers
LCD monitors
Petrol passenger cars