Health and Safety

We have included the subject of occupational health and safety in this report in view of its many parallels and similarities with environmental issues. Health and safety issues are generally focused on the staff of an industrial organisation while environmental issues focus on staff, external stakeholders and the overall community. However with our vision and triple role to provide a quality environment as a good corporate citizen, a responsible service provider and a forward looking regulatory authority, a comprehensive quality, environmental, health and safety management system is the key to future success. At EMSD, we have set up a Safety Management System. The System is kept under constant review taking new developments in health and safety legislation and standards, such as the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Safety Management) Regulation and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) 18001:1999 into account.

The reported accident rate was 12.62 (against an industrial average of about 20) for the Department in the 1999 calendar year, a figure that is comparable to that for 1998. Nevertheless, to enhance safety and health at work, full time Divisional Safety Officers are being provided in phases for the operations and maintenance divisions. Safety induction training is also being arranged for all front line staff with a view to enhancing their safety awareness.

At EMSD, our goals for improving the environment within 2000 include:
  • The development and implementation of an Environmental Management System for sustainable growth.
  • Provision of environmental training for staff to generate understanding and awareness of the global situation.
  • Obtaining ISO 14001 certification for our Environmental Management System.