The Quest for Quality

The Role and Philosophy of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

The mission of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) is to provide government departments, public institutions and the community with a comprehensive range of professional, reliable and cost effective services in the areas of building services, electrical, mechanical, gas and electronic engineering.

Our prime objective is to deliver responsive and dependable services for the benefit of the community anywhere, anytime. Closely woven into the daily life of the people of Hong Kong, EMSD's wide-ranging services are very much part of the fabric of society. Operation and maintenance services at the airport, hospitals, schools, housing estates, highways and public recreation facilities illustrate EMSD's diverse portfolio of responsibilities.

Often unseen by the public, EMSD nevertheless plays a valuable supporting role both helping and advising public service organisations in Hong Kong. We have been and will continue to provide reliable technical support and advice to our clients whose services are essential to make our community a better place to live, work, relax and enjoy. We also shoulder the responsibility of drafting and enforcing safety legislation relating to electricity, gas and many electrical and mechanical installations to ensure public safety.

With a team of more than 5,000 professional engineers and technical staff, the Department fields one of the finest teams in Hong Kong. Coupled with our Quality Policy -"EMSD is commited to total quality management towards service excellence and customer satisfaction" and our traditions for excellence, EMSD has carved a reputation both for quality and reliability among our customers.