贏得機場主要服務合約 機電工程署的機場工程分部團隊透過公開招標再次贏得機場管理局(機管局)4份服務合約,得以繼續為香港國際機場的主要系統提供機電操作及維修保養服務。上述合約為期4年,於2012年3月生效,涵蓋的範圍包括空氣調節系統的機械設備、客運大樓和附屬建築物的一般機械設備及一般水泵系統,總值約2.5億元。
Winning Major Airport Contracts Our EMSD airport team continues to provide electrical and mechanical operation and maintenance services for major systems at the Hong Kong International Airport, having re-won four Airport Authority (AA) contracts via open tender. The four-year contracts, which commenced in March 2012, cover mechanical services for the chiller systems and general mechanical services for terminals, ancillary buildings and general pumping systems, with a total contract value of about $250 million.