強大團隊支援將軍澳醫院擴建工程 將軍澳醫院的新日間醫療大樓於2012年3月投入服務。作為醫院管理局的緊密合作伙伴,機電工程署除為該院新大樓提供工程支援外,也統籌大樓內各項機電、空調、屋宇裝備設施、電子醫療儀器及綠色科技,如光伏系統等的校驗工作,突顯我們作為客戶工作伙伴的承諾,為客戶及時完成重要的工作。 興建日間醫療大樓是醫院管理局將軍澳醫院擴建計劃的一部分,用以容納從醫院主座大樓遷移過來的非住院服務和支援設施。根據擴建計劃,在醫院主座大樓移交建築署進行翻新工程前,大樓內的機電、空調及屋宇裝備設施必須先行予以隔離及轉移。面對這項挑戰,我們的工程人員悉力以赴,為遷移行動進行全面周詳的實地測量,並執行有關的隔離及轉移工作。 在整個擴建計劃進行期間,機電工程署的工作團隊一直為將軍澳醫院提供專業及技術意見,確保新日間醫療大樓如期投入服務。 醫院主座大樓的改建和翻新工程亦進展順利,將按計劃於2013年完成。一如以往,我們的團隊已準備就緒,為工作伙伴竭誠服務,提供全面周詳的支援。 The ACB is part of the Hospital Authority’s TKOH Extension Project for accommodating the non-inpatient services and supporting facilities decanted from the existing Hospital Main Block (HMB). This project was made more challenging because, as part of the extension plan, the EMABS facilities at the HMB had to be isolated and diverted before the site could be handed over to the Architectural Services Department for renovation works. Our staff fully supported the decanting operation by conducting comprehensive site survey and performing isolation and diversion works. Throughout this project, the EMSD team had been providing professional and technical advices to the hospital to ensure the new ACB of TKOH opened on schedule. The conversion and renovation works for the HMB are also in good progress for completion in 2013 as planned. Our dedicated team is, as always, ready to provide strong and comprehensive support to our working partner. |