綠色科技照亮梧桐河 新界北區梧桐河上游在安裝了太陽能發光二極管燈後,該處一帶的照明情況已大為改善。有關照明工程是北區區議會撥款進行的其中一項梧桐河改善計劃項目,讓河堤晚間的環境得以改善,推動可持續發展。 機電工程署在這項全港首次進行的大規模太陽能發光二極管燈安裝工程中,沿梧桐河上游2.6公里的河堤裝設了143支太陽能燈柱。每支燈柱都配備發光二極管光源、光伏板、控制器及備用電池。由於燈柱本身已是獨立的可再生能源發電系統,因此無需進行挖掘及鋪設地下電纜與電網接駁,既節省成本及安裝時間,又更為環保。 裝設發光二極管燈後,梧桐河上游的河堤較前更為光亮,不但方便居民往來鄰近村落,亦吸引遊客前來散步,欣賞河堤的優美景色。這些太陽能燈投入服務已逾一年,表現一直令人滿意,即使天氣惡劣亦不受影響。
In the first large-scale installation of solar-powered LED lighting in Hong Kong, 143 solar lighting posts were installed by EMSD along 2.6 kilometres of embankment. Each post includes an LED light source, photovoltaic panel, controller and backup battery. As standalone renewable energy systems, the installations removed the need for excavation and underground cabling work to connect them to the grid, thus saving construction cost and time, and are also more environment-friendly. The LED lighting system has lit up the Upper Ng Tung River embankment, facilitated residents’ access to the nearby villages and attracted visitors to stroll along the scenic riverbank. The solar lighting has already served the public well for over a year, with satisfactory performance even under adverse weather conditions. |