歡迎第一艘郵輪停泊啟德郵輪碼頭 超級郵輪「海洋水手號」於2013年6月12日在啟德郵輪碼頭順利停泊,標誌着機電工程署為郵輪碼頭1號泊位負責的各項工程均按時圓滿完成。 機電工程署致力為每位郵輪乘客提供愉快的旅遊經驗,並為香港旅遊業的蓬勃發展作出貢獻。我們與旅遊事務署簽訂服務水平協議,自2010年5月開始,我們已負責為郵輪碼頭前沿區設施、家具與設備的設計工作、項目推展,提供顧問和項目管理服務。 郵輪碼頭有兩個泊位,最多可停泊三艘郵輪,另設有五座乘客登船橋。我們在1號泊位的工作項目,包括興建其中三座登船橋。每座登船橋重約170噸,是全球歷來製造的最大型活動登船橋!它的操作靈活,無論是小型郵輪或最大的「創世紀計劃號」級別郵輪,皆可應付自如。 每座乘客登船橋均由五條互相連接的全天候空調行人道組成,鑲以透明的雙層玻璃幕牆,乘客可以舒適往來,避免強烈的陽光、風吹和雨打,亦可同時欣賞維港的美麗景色。行人道的最大坡度限制為1:12,乘坐輪椅的乘客可享用無障礙的通道往來郵輪與碼頭之間。 此外,郵輪碼頭的外牆和客運連接廊的底部分別安裝了泛光燈和筒燈,組成前沿區照明系統,讓郵輪安全停泊。碼頭亦設有電子資訊顯示系統及安檢設施,確保碼頭運作暢順安全。為減少泊岸郵輪的空氣污染物排放,環境保護署正就安裝岸上供電系統進行可行性研究,而機電署亦受委託提供技術支援。 啟德郵輪碼頭備受國際矚目,穩妥可靠的維修保養當然至為重要。有見及此,旅遊事務署已就郵輪碼頭的工程系統和設備的操作及維修保養服務,與機電署簽訂了為期十年的新服務水平協議。 訪問短片 手機即看 EMSD is committed to giving a joyful travelling experience to cruise passengers and contributing to the prosperous development of tourism industry of Hong Kong. Since May 2010, we have been involved, under a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with Tourism Commission (TC), in the provision of consultancy and project management services for the design and implementation of KTCT’s apron facilities, furniture and equipment items. The Cruise Terminal will have two berths equipped with five Seaport Passenger Boarding Bridges (SPBBs) to accommodate a maximum of three cruise vessels. Our work for berth 1 includes construction of three of the five SPBBs. Weighing about 170 tons each, they are the largest movable SPBBs ever manufactured in the world! They can cope with vessels ranging from small cruise vessels up to the largest “Genesis Class” super cruisers. Each SPBB consists of five interconnected, all-weather and air-conditioned walkways with transparent, double-glazed glass. Passengers can walk comfortably inside, get away from strong solar heat, wind and rain while enjoying a spectacular harbour view. With the slope of each walkway limited to a maximum of 1:12, wheelchair passengers can enjoy barrier-free access to the terminal building at their leisure. The Cruise Terminal has also been equipped with the Apron Lighting System comprising floodlights mounted on the terminal's façade and down lights installed underneath the concourse to enable the vessel to dock safely and quickly. Moreover, electronic information display system and security check equipment are put in place to ensure smooth and safe operation of the terminal. In order to reduce air emissions from berthing cruise vessels, Environmental Protection Department is looking into the feasibility of installing an on-shore power system in KTCT and EMSD is entrusted to provide technical support. Given the importance of reliable maintenance for a facility with such an international profile, the TC has entered into a new ten-year Service Level Agreement with EMSD on the operation and maintenance services for the terminal's engineering systems and equipment. |