為強化「無油磁浮式製冷機」的維修保養服務作好準備 「無油磁浮式製冷機」採用最新的無油磁浮軸承壓縮機技術,能大幅節省能源消耗量。無論是全新還是翻新的空調系統,採用「無油磁浮式製冷機」已成新的趨勢。
Oil-free chillers (OFCs), which make use of the latest technologies in oil-free magnetic levitation bearing type compressors, offer significant energy savings. OFC is becoming the trend in new and retrofitted air-conditioning plants. |
致力改善管理系統獲嘉許 在香港品質保證局二十五周年論壇暨慶祝酒會上,機電署獲嘉許為「多元體系管理機構」和「整全體系管理機構」。
EMSD was commended as the “Outstanding Organisation with Comprehensive Management Systems” and the “Outstanding Organisation with Holistic Management Systems” at the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) 25th Anniversary Forum and Celebration Cocktail Reception. |
機電署獲頒國際能源管理獎項 機電署一直致力探索和應用先進技術,支援客戶達到節約能源和保護環境的目標。過去數年,我們的團隊成功協助香港警務處(警務處)降低整體耗電量達一成多,而運輸、保安及中央工程部的工程師張敏婕女士,也因此於2014年9月30日在美國華盛頓的「世界能源工程大會」,榮獲「能源工程師協會」頒發的「2014年亞太區能源管理經理」獎項。
EMSD is committed to exploring and deploying advanced technologies to support energy conservation and environmental protection initiatives for all our clients. Our work in recent years has successfully helped the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) reduce more than 10% of its overall power consumption. It also enabled our Ms. Jovian Cheung, Engineer of our Transport, Security and Central Services Division, to be elected the “Energy Manager of the Year 2014 (Asian Pacific Rim Region)” by The Association of Energy Engineers at the World Energy Engineering Congress held in Washington D.C. on 30 September 2014. |
「開放日」趣學樂玩 機電署的多元化服務,與市民生活息息相關。為讓市民更多了解我們的工作,我們在2014年11月1日至2日,在機電署九龍灣總部舉行部門開放日。為期兩天的活動吸引了逾5,000多位市民到場參觀,相比2010年的開放日,入場人數大幅增加。
EMSD’s diverse services make up the very fabric of life in Hong Kong. To familiarise the public with our work, we held our departmental Open Day on 1-2 November 2014 at EMSD Headquarters, Kowloon Bay. The two-day event attracted more than 5,000 visitors, a significant increase compared to the 2010 Open Day. |
為高山劇場及其新翼提供全面服務 機電署一直為高山劇場的舞台燈光、音響及後台系統提供全面的操作及維修保養服務。這個服務模式亦伸延至2014年10月啟用的高山劇場新翼。我們透過康樂及文化事務署進行的公開招標奪得這份服務合約。高山劇場聘請單一承辦商為場地提供操作及維修保養服務,有別於聘用個別服務承辦商負責各個系統的一貫做法。因此,高山劇場成為唯一採用這種一站式服務模式的政府表演場地,這個模式可讓租用者盡快布置場地,及早開始綵排工作,充分利用租賃場地的時間。
EMSD has all along provided comprehensive O&M services for stage lighting, stage audio and backstage systems at Ko Shan Theatre (Theatre). This service mode has been extended to the Ko Shan Theatre New Wing (New Wing), which opened in October 2014. We won this service contract via open tender invited by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. In a departure from the usual practice of employing separate service provider for each system, the Theatre engaged one contractor to provide all O&M services, becoming the only government performing arts venue to adopt this one-stop service mode. Under a single service provider, venue hirers can set up and start rehearsals more quickly, fully utilising rental time. |
機電署總部進行之測試顯示 建築資訊模型技術有助提升資產管理 建築資訊模型(BIM)技術透過數碼科技,將建築設計提升至三維立體層面。這是目前建造業界的嶄新主流技術,具有多項優點,如減少施工錯誤及因而導致的工程更改,從而加快工程進度,降低設計和建築成本。
Building Information Modelling (BIM) uses digital technology to transform buildings design into a 3D model. Now as a mainstream technology in the construction industry, it has many benefits such as reducing construction errors and subsequent engineering changes, thus speeding up project progress and minimising costs in both design and construction. |
「創新科技嘉年華2014」醫學工程研討會 「創新科技嘉年華」是年度大型活動,主旨是讓市民能親身體驗創新科技對人類生活所帶來的方便與樂趣。總工程師/生工程潘國英先生獲邀在11月8日的「創新科技嘉年華2014」活動中,就「醫學工程的創新成果及應用」作出專題演講。
InnoCarnival is an annual programme that aims to enable members of the public to experience for themselves the convenience and fun innovation and technology brought to their daily lives. Mr. Raymond Poon, Chief Engineer/Health Sector, was invited to deliver a speech at InnoCarnival 2014 on the topic “Engineering Excellence for Medical Technology Innovation and Application” on 8 November 2014. |
人事廣角鏡 戴德謙先生於2014年10月6日起,獲擢升為機電工程署副署長,負責管理機電工程營運基金的運作,為客戶提供優質及多元化的機電工程服務。
Mr. Tai Tak-him has been promoted to Deputy Director of EMSD with effect from 6 October 2014. He is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund, and providing a wide range of quality engineering solutions to satisfy our customers’ needs. |