綜合樓宇管理系統 提高操作及維修保養效率 機電署致力探討應用先進科技以為客戶提供優質服務。自2013年,我們其中一項試行的項目便是以政府大樓作試點應用綜合樓宇管理系統(iBMS),目的是提升操作和維修保養效率,好讓客戶安心。 我們於今年年中為綜合樓宇管理系統進行的初步檢討結果令人鼓舞。未來七年,我們將陸續為我們所提供維修保養服務的政府大樓設置綜合樓宇管理系統。 當整個綜合樓宇管理系統安裝完成後,我們便可將機電、空調和屋宇裝備系統整合到單一應用平台,以方便監測,同時亦為日後提升中央遙距監測系統性能奠下基礎,加強與客戶的溝通,讓他們了解系統的運作情況。 常言道,預防勝於治療,綜合樓宇管理系統亦配備具預警功能的自動故障/警報報告系統。如發現特定的設備或裝置出現任何異常,系統便會自動發送短訊給我們的駐場工作人員,讓他們盡早作出應對,避免任何潛在故障發生,縮短設備故障時間及提升各系統的可供使用率,讓客戶稱心滿意。 Initial review of the iBMS in mid-2015 was encouraging. We will implement iBMS to more government buildings under our maintenance in the next seven years. After completion of iBMS, we can integrate the electrical, mechanical, air-conditioning and building services systems (EMABS) into a single application for easy monitoring. It paves the way for our future upgrade on centralised remote monitoring system with greater capacity for enhancing communication with clients and keeping them informed of the system status. Prevention is better than cure! iBMS also offers an automatic fault/alarm reporting system with the pre-alarm function. If any abnormality of the pre-selected equipment or installation is identified, short message will be automatically sent to our site staff calling for early actions to prevent potential failure, reduce down time and increase system availability, and thus upkeeping client satisfaction in a long term.