智能電錶 聰明節能 機電工程署為政府建築物提供多元化的機電工程服務,並能善用智能電錶系統,幫助客戶部門達至能耗監察和節能的效果。 智能電錶系統讓我們開拓能源效益及節能的新領域,為客戶部門提供嶄新和改善能耗的服務。智能電錶系統可用於監控及優化建築物內各主要耗電系統,如空調系統、電力系統、照明系統等的表現,亦可提供能耗記錄作能源審核用途,令節能減排成為可持續發展的進程。 機電工程署現正為部分政府主要建築物,例如香港警察總部大樓、民航處總部大樓、香港海關總部大樓和土木工程拓展署大樓等進行能源審核。在已安裝智能電錶系統的場地,我們可根據收集到的能源數據,為各政策局和部門分析及開發能源管理機會。至於其他場地,我們會建議客戶加裝智能電錶系統,供日後監察及分析之用。
Smart metering system can open up opportunities for energy efficiency and conservation, as well as new and improved services for client departments. The system can be employed to monitor, control and optimise the performance of major energy consuming building services systems including but not limited to air-conditioning system, electrical system, and lighting system. The system can also provide energy records for energy audits and review so that energy saving becomes a sustainable and continuous process. EMSD is now carrying out energy audits for some major government buildings such as Police Headquarters, Civil Aviation Department Headquarters, Customs & Excise Headquarters, and Civil Engineering and Development Department Building. For those venues already equipped with the smart metering systems, we can make use of the energy data collected so as to help bureaux and departments identify their potential energy management opportunities. For other venues, we would recommend clients to install the smart metering system for future monitoring and analysing purpose.