150幢政府建築物完成能源審核 作為政府建築物的維修保養服務供應商,我們充分明白客戶部門的要求和建築物場地的現況,可以為客戶出謀獻策,制訂節能減排的策略計劃,達致政府建築物的節能目標。 行政長官在2015年的《施政報告》中承諾,在未來五個財政年度把政府建築物的用電量,在運作環境相若的基礎上減少5%(以2013/14財政年度用電量為基準),以繼續推展綠色運動,在本港加强推動低碳和優質的居住環境。 為協助各決策局和部門就344幢用電量最高的政府建築物進行能源審核,機電署在2015/16財政年度獲環境局撥款資助,委聘了三家能源審核顧問公司率先為用電量最高的150幢政府建築物進行能源審核。 截至2016年3月,能源審核顧問公司已完成該150幢政府建築物(包括政府總部、灣仔政府大樓和稅務大樓、游泳池、運動場館、圖書館、市政大廈、警局和監獄等)的審核工作。至於餘下的194幢建築物,機電署已委聘了能源審核顧問公司於2016年3月開始進行能源審核的工作。 審核顧問完成審核後會編製能源審核報告,並邀請客戶部門、建築物業主、機電署同事等持份者出席簡報會,解釋其節能減排的建議。機電署作為客戶部門的緊密合作伙伴,會參考審核顧問的建議,因應個別建築物的運作和技術特點,為客戶部門提出可行的實施方案和時間表,以落實各項節能措施和項目,達致節能目標。 The Chief Executive pledged in his 2015 Policy Address a target of achieving a 5% saving in electricity consumption for government buildings under comparable operating conditions (based on the electricity consumption in the financial year 2013/14) in the next five financial years. This is a continuous green drive to foster a low-carbon and quality built environment in Hong Kong. EMSD has been entrusted by government bureaux and departments with the task of conducting energy audits for 344 government buildings with the highest electricity consumption. In the financial year 2015/16, we commissioned three energy audit consultants to carry out energy audits for the top 150 government buildings in terms of electricity consumption, with funding provided by the Environment Bureau. By March 2016, the consultants have completed energy audits for those 150 government buildings, which include the Central Government Offices, Wanchai Tower and Revenue Tower, swimming pools, sports centres, libraries, municipal services buildings, police stations and prisons. Meanwhile, we have commissioned an audit consultant to start the energy audits for the remaining 194 buildings in March 2016. Upon completion of energy audit reports, the consultants will organise briefing sessions for stakeholders such as client departments, building owners and EMSD colleagues, explaining their energy saving proposals. Being a close partner of client departments, we will take reference of the audit consultants’ recommendations and, based on the operation and technical features of individual buildings, propose practicable plans and timetables to implement energy saving measures and projects, so as to achieve the energy saving targets. |