
在各場業界科技研討會中,「建築信息模擬」(BIM)是其中一個重要的主題。繼2014及2015年成功開發結合建築信息模擬與資產管理(BIM-AM)的平台,機電署的BIM-AM團隊今年8月遠赴美國得克薩斯州,出席由國際電機電子工程師學會主辦的「自動化科學與工程會議」(IEEE CASE),並於會上發表早前提交的論文《 BIM-Enabled Streamlined Fault Localisation with System Topology, RFID Technology and Real-Time Data Acquisition Interfaces》,由此足證我們的研究已達國際水平。

IEEE CASE 是享負盛名的國際會議,旨在為跨行業和多元科學研究提供交流平台,以促進自動化科學與工程方面的創新和應用,只有設計新穎、具原創性和高技術水平的論文才會獲接受和邀請在會上發表。機電署的技術論文完全符合以上條件,因而能從30多個國家及地區中脫穎而出,成為獲發表和出版的論文之一。這篇論文現已刊登於會議論文集,並將納入IEEEXplore及其他文摘和索引數據庫。


Technical Paper on BIM Recognised at International Conference

Among the Trade Technology Seminars, Building Information Modelling (BIM) was one of the important themes. Following our development of a platform integrating BIM and Asset Management (BIM-AM) in 2014 and 2015, our BIM-AM team travelled to Texas, United States in August this year to attend the “Conference on Automation Science and Engineering” hosted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE CASE). At the conference we presented a technical paper entitled "BIM-Enabled Streamlined Fault Localisation with System Topology, RFID Technology and Real-Time Data Acquisition Interfaces" which was submitted earlier. This is clear proof that our research work is on a par with the international standards.

IEEE CASE is a renowned international conference serving as a platform for cross-industry and multi-disciplinary research exchanges to facilitate innovation and applications of automation science and engineering. Only papers that demonstrate a high level of novelty, originality and technical soundness are accepted and invited for presentation at the conference. Our paper sufficiently satisfied the above criteria and thus stood out from other papers submitted by more than 30 countries and regions to be among those selected for presentation and publication. Our paper was published in the conference proceedings and will be included into the IEEEXplore as well as other abstracting and indexing databases.

BIM-AM Project Patent Application in Process
EMSD contributes to the trade by once again earning recognition from an international organisation for our innovation and applied technologies. Moreover, our BIM-AM team has filed an application with the Intellectual Property Department for an eight-year patent in Hong Kong for the research output of the BIM-AM project, approval of which is expected to be received by the end of this year. It is our ultimate goal to ensure the sustainable BIM-AM development of EMSD and the trade.