創科論壇 - 想像∞創新∞香港 探討香港未來城市發展 機電工程署(機電署)一直站於最前線,推動機電業向前發展。機電署既是服務提供者,亦致力成為機電業的楷模,因此經常舉辦促進行業發展的活動,例如早前的科技交流研討會和最近的創科論壇等。學者、專家和持份者均踴躍參與和支持,活動深受業界歡迎。 機電署也十分關心香港城市的長遠發展。為推動科技創新,機電署於月前舉辦創科論壇,探討最新的城市發展,並以此作為機電工程營運基金20周年誌慶的壓軸活動。多位海外及本地專家學者、業界翹楚、客戶部門代表應邀出席論壇,分享經驗和研究成果,藉以啟發創新思維,為香港日後的發展提出嶄新意念。 創科論壇以「想像∞創新∞香港」為主題,從建築物、交通、能源及可持續發展模式等不同範疇,討論及構想城市發展的最新趨勢,以期把香港打造成世界級城市。論壇亦推動和鼓勵工程界引進創新科技,為提升市民未來的生活質素作出貢獻。 是次論壇由發展局局長陳茂波先生擔任主禮嘉賓。陳局長在致開幕辭時,鼓勵與會者在創新過程中要跳出固有框架,並邀請他們一起為推動創新作出貢獻和分享,以促進香港的可持續發展。他表示,學術界、企業、社會和政府應共同發揮創意,透過投資教育、研究、培訓和資助計劃,合力啟發創新,開發新科技。 機電工程署署長陳帆先生在致歡迎辭時,呼籲與會者要為未來將面對的重大挑戰作好準備。他表示,整個世界在2016年經歷了許多意想不到的事件,當下正是我們塑造未來的關鍵時刻。他又指是次論壇旨在讓各界翹楚一同探討未來,集思廣益,冀能提出具「想像和創新」的方案,把香港建構成為「再生可持續」的智慧城市。 城市要靈活多變,以適應未來的發展。英國牛津大學Steve Rayner教授指出,城市一向都是創意和創新的核心。宏觀來說,科技創新可視作「社會技術系統」,因此提供了契機把可持續發展由傳統的「損害控制」,轉化為「再生可持續」的觀念,以改善大自然環境及人類生活質素。促成這種觀念的轉化,關鍵在於發展靈活多變的硬件和組織架構,使城市能循環不息地發展,並能迅速地適應社會、人口、經濟和環境不斷出現的變化。 氣候變化與城市發展息息相關。香港氣候變化論壇聯合創辦人兼前任主席潘樂陶博士在主題演說中表示,為了響應《巴黎協定》就溫室氣體排放制訂的宏大目標,工程界應牽頭構想各種可減少碳排放的措施,例如應用可再生能源、發展智慧城市、採用綠色交通和興建環保建築物等。工程師應主動研發創新的解決方案,以進一步減少碳排放,並強化城市基礎設施,以適應及抵禦氣候變化的影響。 創科論壇的專題小組討論環節由機電工程署署長陳帆先生主持,出席嘉賓包括英國牛津大學Steve Rayner教授、環境局副局長陸恭蕙女士、運輸及房屋局副局長邱誠武先生、香港工程師學會會長蔡健鴻先生和香港機電工程商聯會會長莊堅烈先生。專題小組討論了多個議題,包括全球氣候變化、最新城市化發展趨勢及香港基建發展。嘉賓呼籲各持份者發揮創意和提升科技水平,以實踐可持續發展。他們一致認為,想像和創新是構建更環保、更具智能效益的城市的重要元素。 創科論壇吸引了超過400名業界代表出席。講者和嘉賓妙語如珠,分享他們對不同工程範疇發展的心得和願景,而參加者也熱烈參與討論,一起探討未來城市的發展。 The long-term city development of Hong Kong is also a matter of concern to EMSD. To promote technological innovation, EMSD recently organised the EMSD Summit to explore the latest city development, which is also the grand finale event to mark the 20th anniversary of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF). The Summit attracted overseas and local experts, industry leaders and representatives from our clients who shared their experience and fruits of research to inspire innovative ideas for Hong Kong's future development. Themed "Imaginovate Hong Kong", the Summit aimed to tap the latest trends of city development, from the perspectives of buildings, transportation, energy and sustainability, for transforming Hong Kong into a world-class city. It also motivated and encouraged the engineering sector to adopt innovative technologies to help enhance our future quality of living. The Summit was officiated by Mr. Paul Chan, the Secretary for Development. In his opening remarks, Mr. Chan encouraged the participants to “think outside the box” in the journey to innovation, and invited contribution and sharing from them to unleash the power of innovation to help Hong Kong’s sustainable development. He added that innovation was jointly owned by all parties - academia, businesses, the community and the Government, and through investment in education, research, training and incubation programmes, the parties could collaborate on innovations and development of new technologies. In his welcoming speech, Mr. Frank Chan, the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, appealed to the delegates to prepare for the key challenges ahead. He remarked that the world had seen many unexpected outcomes in 2016, and NOW was the defining moment for us to shape the future. He also indicated that the Summit aimed at providing an opportunity for the leaders of various disciplines to explore the future and to foster exchange of thoughts and wisdom, in a bid to formulate "imaginative and innovative" solutions for developing Hong Kong into a "regenerative and sustainable" smart city. A city should be flexible to adapt to future development. Professor Steve Rayner of the University of Oxford pointed out that cities had always been the centre of creativity and innovation. Technological innovation could be considered broadly as a "socio-technical system". Thus, it provided an opportunity to transform the concept of sustainability as traditional "damage control" into "regenerative sustainability”, leading to the improvement of natural environment and the quality of human life. The key to the transformation of the concept was the development of flexible hardware and organisational structures that allowed a city to continue to evolve and adapt quickly to changing social, demographic, economic and environmental conditions. Climate change and city development are closely related. In his keynote address, Dr. Otto Poon, the Co-founder and Past Chairman of the Hong Kong Climate Change Forum, expressed that in response to the Paris Agreement's ambitious targets for greenhouse gas emissions, the engineering sector should play a leading role in exploring different measures to reduce carbon emissions, such as renewable energy, smart city, green transportation and buildings. Engineers should take the initiative to develop innovative solutions to further reduce carbon emissions and to improve resiliency of urban infrastructures so as to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climate change. The panel discussion of the Summit was chaired by Mr. Frank Chan, the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services. The panelists included Professor Steve Rayner of the University of Oxford; Ms Christine Loh, the Under Secretary for the Environment; Mr. Yau Shing-mu, the Under Secretary for Transport and Housing; Mr. Joseph Choi, the President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers; and Mr. Paul Chong, the President of the Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Limited. The panel discussion covered various topics, including the global climate change, the latest urbanisation trends and the infrastructure development in Hong Kong. The panelists appealed to the stakeholders to embrace creativity and technological advancement for achieving sustainable development. They concluded that imagination and innovation were crucial to building a greener and smarter city. The Summit attracted more than 400 trade representatives, at which the speakers and panelists had a lively and inspirational discussion through sharing of experience and visions in different engineering areas, and the attendees participated actively in the discussion on future city development.
為日新月異的設備持續提供優質維修保養服務 秉承「水遇彎轉、雲隨風變、迎難而上、與時並進」的精神 在現今知識型社會,科技發展極為迅速,很多傳統的機械設備已被日新月異的新科技產品逐漸取代。在這個新時代,每一個技術步伐都可以用「一日千里、進步神速」來描述。機電署處於科技發展的前線,負責保養和維修眾多的新型設備及儀器,當中當然不乏獨特而又精密的新科技產品。因此,機電署的保養及維修工作人員均秉承「水遇彎轉、雲隨風變、迎難而上、與時並進」的精神,不斷地裝備自己,務求掌握所需技術,為嶄新的設備及儀器提供優質的維修保養服務。 香港政府飛行服務隊自2015年開始,從德國引入無需牽引桿的無線遙控飛機拖拉車,用來拖拉50噸以下的飛機與直升機,包括美洲豹直升機、海豚直升機,以及大型醫療運輸機等。與傳統利用牽引桿控制的飛機拖拉車相比,新的遙控飛機拖拉車除了更靈活、準確和安全地運作外,耗電量亦較低,車身也更小巧,達到節省能源之餘又能縮少所需存放之空間。 新的飛機拖拉車採用了大量精密的硬件和軟件控制技術,與傳統的飛機拖拉車完全不同,保養及維修工作當然也有很大差別。飛行服務隊是使用這種特別設備的唯一政府部門,機電署有幸參與相關維修保養工作的新挑戰。為克服這新挑戰,機電署與飛行服務隊攜手合作,在多個領域共同努力,為保養及維修工作人員提供嚴格的培訓,讓他們在知識和技能上得以提升。在不斷的努力下,我們克服了重重困難,讓無需牽引桿的無線遙控飛機拖拉車順利運作接近兩年,而相關的保養及維修服務的有效指標亦一直維持超過95%。 Since 2015, the Government Flying Service (GFS) has introduced a towbarless wireless remote controlled aircraft tractor from Germany. It is used to tow aircrafts and helicopters under 50 tonnes, including the Puma helicopter, the Dolphin helicopter and the large medical transport plane. As compared with the traditional tractor using a towbar for control, the new remote controlled tractor is more flexible, precise and safe in operation. It consumes less power and is much more compact, saving both energy and space. The new aircraft tractor employs many sophisticated hardware and software control technologies. Its design is completely different from the traditional aircraft tractor, and so are the requirements of its maintenance work. GFS is the only government department using this special equipment and EMSD is honoured to take up the challenge of providing maintenance for the new tractor. EMSD and GFS have worked closely together in many areas to provide rigorous training to their staff to help them acquire all the necessary maintenance knowledge and skills for the equipment. Overcoming many difficulties, we have ensured the smooth operation of the new aircraft tractor for nearly two years, achieving a performance index at consistently over 95% in service availability. |
創新的網際協議無線電通訊系統先導計劃成效理想 機電署致力為客戶提供創新而有效的技術方案。去年第三季,食物環境衞生署(食環署)委託我們為無線電通訊系統更換工作進行可行性研究。研究範圍包括擴大無線電覆蓋地區、應用便攜式無線電轉發器、設計多功能系統以達致通訊無阻、提高前線員工的工作效率、改善工作安全、加強資訊保安和提升系統可靠性。在今年4至8月的短短數月間,我們成功研發了新的技術方案,並在多個試點推行先導計劃,成效理想。與相類的工程方案相比,這個方案可大大減省推行時間和成本。 傳統的無線電轉發器大多設於山頂的發射站,由於受市區的高樓大廈阻擋,無線電覆蓋率因而大減。有見及此,機電署開發了新的網際協議無線電通訊系統。該系統利用現有流動電話網絡覆蓋率高達98%的優勢,在市區不同地點加裝固定的無線電轉發器,減省了在山上興建發射站的費用和時間。此外,我們更研發了便攜式無線電轉發器,其重量只有12公斤,可以迅捷地安裝於車輛或所到地點,通過流動電話網絡有效地擴大無線電覆蓋範圍。測試結果顯示,新系統能改善通訊盲點的情況,達致良好的通訊效果。 新系統還可加入多項新功能,例如緊急呼叫掣、倒地警告、免提通話、全球定位系統、透過電子地圖顯示位置(當緊急呼叫掣啟動時便會顯示)、短訊服務、數碼錄音、防止竊聽的語音加密功能,以及能防止無線電收發機資料外洩的遠端註銷功能等。此外,由於新系統同時連接兩個(最多可達四個)不同的流動電話網絡,即使個別流動電話網絡出現擠塞,通訊也不會受到影響。 新系統的發展潛力很大,可因應客戶未來需求而加入其他功能,包括擴展無線多媒體服務的應用範圍(例如隨身攝錄機)、收發和分析數據、取代有線傳輸,以及於鄉郊等難以到達的地點提供通訊及數據服務。 EMSD is committed to providing innovative and effective technical solutions to our clients. In the third quarter last year, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) entrusted us to conduct a feasibility study on the replacement of its radio communication system. The scope of the study included expansion of radio coverage, use of portable radio repeaters, design of a feature-rich system for smooth communication, enhancement of work efficiency of frontline staff, improvement of work safety, and enhancement of information security and system reliability. Within the few months from April to August this year, we successfully developed a new technical solution and conducted a pilot programme at various locations. The results were satisfactory. Compared with other similar engineering solutions, this technical solution can significantly reduce time and costs. Traditional radio repeaters are mostly installed at hilltop radio stations. Owing to blockage by high-rise buildings in urban areas, radio coverage is greatly reduced. In view of this, we pioneered a new IP-based radio communication system leveraging on the advantage of the high coverage (i.e. up to 98%) of the existing mobile phone networks. Fixed radio repeaters were retrofitted at different locations in urban areas in order to save the costs and time required for building hilltop radio stations. Besides, we also developed portable radio repeaters weighing only 12 kg each. As they can be quickly installed on vehicles or deployed to any locations, and are supported by mobile phone networks, radio coverage is effectively enhanced. Testing results showed that the system could alleviate radio blind spot problem and facilitate better quality communication. Many new features can be introduced to the new system, including emergency call button, man-down warning, hot microphone, Global Positioning System, display of location via electronic map (when emergency call button is activated), Short Message Service, console voice logging, voice encryption for protection against eavesdropping, remote radio stun function for prevention of portable transceiver data leakage. In addition, as the new system is connected to two (maximum four) different mobile phone networks simultaneously, communication will not be interrupted even if one of the networks is congested. The new system has great potential for further development in meeting our client’s future needs, including expansion of wireless multimedia applications such as body-worn video cameras, data transmission and analysis, substitution of wired transmission, and provision of communication and data services to remote rural areas not easily accessible. |
榮獲「綠建環評社區」(先導版本)鉑金級證書 機電署一直全力支持綠色建築,並且重視社區發展。經過不斷努力,機電署總部綠化改造工程在今年12月榮獲「綠建環評社區」(先導版本)鉑金級證書。這是繼今年總部大樓獲得「綠建環評既有建築」最終鉑金級證書後,我們再一次獲得殊榮,彰顯我們對構建綠化環境和推動社區可持續發展所作的貢獻。 機電署是綠色建築的先鋒。為了貫徹社區可持續發展的理念,機電署在總部大樓進行綠化改造工程,增設新的社區設施,以達到「以人為本」的目的,並且參與香港綠色建築議會的「綠建環評社區」(先導版本)評估計劃。 「綠建環評社區」的評估涵蓋七個範疇,分別為「社區」、「用地與室外環境」、「用材及廢物管理」、「能源」、「用水和水文環境」、「室外環境質素」和「創新」。進行評估時,亦會考量多個社會元素,例如社區參與、公共空間設計及其舒適性、景觀設計及都市生物多樣性等。機電署總部完全符合評估標準。 我們將不斷探索新方法加强綠化設施和推廣社區協同效應,為市民提供優質的生活。 EMSD is a pioneer of green buildings. In order to put the concept of sustainable community development into practice, EMSD carried out green transformation works at its headquarters building, incorporating new community facilities to achieve the "people-oriented" objective and participated in the BEAM Plus Neighbourhood (Pilot Version) assessment scheme of the Hong Kong Green Building Council. The assessment under the BEAM Plus Neighbourhood covers seven aspects, namely “Community Aspects”, “Site Aspects”, “Materials and Waste Aspects”, “Energy Aspects”, “Water Aspects”, “Outdoor Environment Quality” and “Innovations and Additions”. When making assessment, various social elements, such as community engagement, design and comfort level of public space, landscape design and urban biodiversity, etc., will also be taken into consideration. The EMSD Headquarters fully met the assessment criteria. The green transformation works at the EMSD Headquarters include: becoming the first existing building to switch to the District Cooling System, which not only improves the air quality of the community, but also mitigates the heat island effects; renovation of the Education Path, which encourages the public to understand and adopt sustainable lifestyles through education and community collaboration; incorporation of new green facilities so as to turn the piazza and surrounding areas of the building to open space with beautiful landscape for enjoyment by the employees and the public; application of vertical greening on external and internal walls, which beautifies the environment and improves the ecological value through plant growth. We will continue to explore new ways to enhance our green facilities and promote synergy with the community so as to provide better quality of life for the public. |
持續改進 為公共醫療系統提供優質工程服務 機電署秉持「透過與客戶的伙伴關係,創造公眾價值利惠市民」的企業目標,一直致力為客戶部門及公營機構客戶提供優質工程服務。作為醫院管理局(醫管局)的長期合作伙伴,機電署與醫管局並肩作戰,攜手渡過許多艱難時刻,為市民提供優質可靠的公共醫療服務。舉例來說,在2003年非典型肺炎爆發期間,我們合力研發出一套「負壓通風系統」,並迅速為各醫院完成有關的系統安裝,從而有效減低前線醫護人員受感染的機會。 我們明白只有持續提升服務質素及成本效益,才可在競爭激烈的巿場中保持優勢,並贏得客戶的信任和支持。我們近年透過新推行的客戶探訪計劃直接了解客戶各階層員工的意見及需要,並主動提供各項增值服務,例如為主要急症醫院進行全面的能源管理評審和制訂具成本效益的能源改善方案;研發和裝設流動製冷系統以應付客戶即時和緊急的製冷需求等。在最近完成的2016年客戶意見調查中,我們樂見客戶對衞生工程部所提供服務的整體滿意度評分創出新高,足證我們的努力得到客戶的認同。我們最近亦成功透過公開投標,在未來五年繼續為醫管局轄下公立醫院的機電系統及電子醫療儀器提供優質的維修保養服務。 We understand that only by continuous improvement in service quality and cost-effectiveness are we able to maintain our edge in a competitive market and win the trust and support from our clients. In recent years, through our newly launched ”client visit” programme, we have been able to learn directly the views and needs of our clients’ employees at different levels and have proactively offered various value-added services, such as conducting comprehensive energy management reviews and formulating cost-effective energy improvement programmes for major acute hospitals; developing and setting up mobile chiller to meet clients’ urgent and imminent cooling demand, etc. In the recently completed Customer Opinion Survey 2016, we are pleased to see that our clients’ overall satisfaction rating on the services provided by the Health Sector Division has reached a record high, which underlines the fact that our efforts have earned our clients’ recognition. Besides, we have recently succeeded in bidding the HA’s contracts through open tender, enabling us to continue providing quality maintenance services for the E&M systems and electronic medical equipment in public hospitals in the next five years. |
準備充足 東隧交接順暢無縫 2016年8月7日,東區海底隧道(東隧)專營權屆滿,隧道已由私人營運商交回政府。早於兩年多前,機電署便開始協助運輸署進行籌備工作,而自2016年年初起,機電署已參與跨部門工作會議,討論東隧接管安排,並提供專業及技術支援服務,以及協助擬備應變計劃。 在政府接管前兩個月,機電署對東隧的機電設備和系統狀況進行了技術評估,以確保移交予政府的機電設備和系統狀況良好。在交接前兩天,機電署也為即將移交的機電資產作最後檢查,並在交接一刻監測機電系統的運行,以確保東隧穩妥地交回政府。 東隧能夠順利交接,實有賴客戶部門、新的東隧營運商、舊的東隧專營公司及機電署緊密協作,為市民提供安全可靠的交通運輸服務。 Two months before the Government took over the EHC, EMSD carried out technical assessment on the E&M equipment and systems of the EHC to ensure that they were transferred to the Government in good condition. Two days prior to the handover, EMSD also conducted a final inspection of the E&M assets. During the handover, EMSD monitored the operation of the E&M systems to ensure a smooth and seamless handover of the EHC to the Government. The success of the EHC handover is the result of close collaboration among our client, the new EHC operator, the old EHC franchisee and EMSD, which is conducive for providing safe and reliable transport services to the public.
人事廣角鏡 張遠芳先生於2016年12月20日獲委任為機電工程署助理署長/2,主管工程服務科2,領導機電工程營運基金為政府辦事處、法院大樓、港口及海港、市政大廈、公眾文娛康樂場地,以及公立醫院等提供工程服務。