培育機電業界新血 不遺餘力 一直以來,香港對機電技術人才的需求甚殷。目前,在全港約22萬名註冊機電技術人員中,約有五成年逾50,若缺乏新力軍加入,行業的老化問題勢必日趨嚴重。作為業界的先行者,機電工程署(機電署)率先為業界補充流失的人力資源,以保障業界的持續發展。機電署在未來五年將投放超過6億元,招聘逾千名見習技術員,從而為行業注入新血,以配合香港社會的未來發展。 機電署有超過60年培訓機電人才的悠久歷史,獲招聘的學員不但會被安排到不同的政府場地學習維修機電工程系統,還會獲保送到職業訓練局(職訓局)修讀相關的證書或文憑課程。完成訓練的學員可投考機電署的技術員職位,或選擇投身其他機構。在2016至2020年的五年內,機電署將投放6億元用作培訓見習技術員,並為業界培訓100名四年制的見習二級技術員,以牽頭鼓勵業界更積極培訓機電人才。 後進人才屢獲殊榮 本署的生物醫學工程師蕭曉暉先生獲香港工程師學會頒發本地工程界最高榮譽之一的「傑出青年工程師獎2017」,他是機電署第三位獲此殊榮的工程師,令本署成為歷來獲此獎項最多的機構;而梁志滔先生(現借調渠務署)獲頒該獎項的優異獎。此外,本署兩位於去年畢業的見習工程師許詠然女士(電子)和甄富濠先生(電機)也分別榮獲香港工程師學會「傑出工程學員獎2016」第一名和第三名。機電署會繼續秉持優良的培訓傳統,為社會培育更多卓越並對社會及工程界有抱負的年青工程師。 機電署亦鼓勵年青工程師發揮創意,利用專業知識回饋社會。一眾資訊科技、生物醫學及電子界別的年青工程師在本署助理署長張國輝先生指導下,共同為香港失明人協進會設計的「點菜易」流動應用程式,榮獲「香港工程師學會青年會員創意獎2017(組別I)大獎」。 本署培訓的見習技術員同樣有出色的表現,多年來都獲得業界認同和肯定。見習一級技術員(機械)郭俊霆先生和見習二級技術員(電氣)黃文軒先生獲職訓局頒發「2016年度傑出學徒獎」。機電署能成功培育出新一代工程精英,全賴我們薪火相傳的信念和同事無私的教導。 城市定向賽 幫助年青人了解機電業前途 EMSD has a long history of over 60 years in training E&M talents. The recruited trainees will be assigned to different government premises to learn the skills of maintaining E&M engineering systems. They will also be sent to study the relevant certificate or diploma courses offered by the Vocational Training Council (VTC). Upon completion of training, they may apply for the technician posts in EMSD or choose to work at other organisations. In the five years between 2016 and 2020, EMSD will invest $600 million in training technician trainees. EMSD will also train up 100 Technician Trainees II (4-year) for the industry, with the hope of taking the lead in encouraging the trade to be more proactive in nurturing E&M talents. Young Talents Earn Awards and Recognition Mr. Siu Hiu-fai, Stanley, our Biomedical Engineer, was awarded the Young Engineer of the Year Award 2017 by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), which is one of the highest honours in the local engineering industry. Mr. Siu is our third engineer who received this award, making EMSD the organisation winning the most number of this award. Mr. Leung Chi-to, our engineer seconded to Drainage Services Department (DSD), also won a Merit in the same Award. In addition, two of our engineering graduates graduated last year, Ms. Hui Wing-yin (Electronics) and Mr. Yan Fu-ho (Electrical), won the first and third prizes of HKIE’s Trainee of the Year Award 2016 respectively. EMSD will continue the good training tradition by nurturing more outstanding young engineers who are passionate about serving the engineering industry and the society. EMSD also encourages young engineers to contribute to the society with their creativity and professional knowledge. Under the guidance of Mr. Cheung Kwok-fai, our Assistant Director, a group of our young engineers from the information technology, biomedical and electronics disciplines jointly designed a mobile app named “Tap My Dish” for the Hong Kong Blind Union. The project won the Grand Prize of the HKIE Innovation Awards for Young Members 2017 - Category I. Our technician trainees also have outstanding performances and have been well recognised by the industry over the years. Mr. Kwok Chun-ting, Technician Trainee I (Mechanical), and Mr. Wong Man-hin, Technician Trainee II (Electrical), won the 2016 Outstanding Apprentices Award presented by VTC. Our success in incubating a new generation of engineering elites relies a lot on our strong belief in passing on knowledge and skills, as well as our colleagues’ selfless teaching to the trainees. City Orienteering Competition Helps Youngsters Understand the Future of E&M Industry