配合「綠建環評」 加強總部大樓綠化 根據「綠建環評社區」的評估,總部大樓綠化改造工程包括多個重要項目,其中啓 德發展區區域供冷系統分站的興建工程已於今年5月完成,並在6月正式啓用。連 接啓德發展區區域供冷系統後,總部大樓 每年可節省約170萬度電(相等於三百個家庭的平均用電量),約佔大樓總用電量的15%。大樓原有的冷凍機組和相關設施拆卸後,相關的維修費用便可節省,而原有空間更可騰出作其他用途。 此外,我們於今年2月也採用先進技術,在總部露天廣場裝設太陽能風能混合路燈,利用可再生能源推動可持續發展。太陽能風能混合路燈結合太陽能和風力技術,並使用發光二極管燈,比原有的路燈節省達90%電力。 我們將繼續實施具能源效益和綠化環境的措施,把總部大樓改造為更環保和可持續發展的建築。我們希望透過與客戶分享「綠建環評」認證的成功經驗,把認證推廣至客戶場地,進一步改善場地的能源效益及環境管理。 有興趣的客戶如欲了解「綠建環評」認證工作的詳情,歡迎聯絡高級工程師楊航愉先生(電話:2808 3594)。 According to the assessment of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood, the green transformation of the headquarters building covers a number of major projects, including the construction of a substation of the District Cooling System (DCS) at the Kai Tak Development (KTD) which was completed in May and has commenced operation since June this year. Upon connection to the DCS at the KTD, there will be a saving of around 1.7 million kWh of electricity per year (equivalent to the average electricity consumption of 300 households), representing around 15% of the total electricity consumption of the headquarters building. In addition, demolition of the original chillers and the related facilities will contribute to a reduction in the maintenance costs and vacate the space occupied by these facilities for other purposes. By employing advanced technology, we also installed solar wind hybrid street lights at our headquarters piazza in February this year so as to promote sustainable development through renewable energy. With the combination of solar and wind power, and the use of LED lightings, the solar wind hybrid street lights achieved an energy saving of 90% as compared with the previous street lights. We will continue to adopt more energy efficient and greening measures to transform the headquarters building into a more environmentally friendly and sustainable one. Through sharing our successful experience in obtaining BEAM Plus certification with our clients, we hope that with further enhancement of energy efficiency and environmental management, their premises will also be granted certification. If clients are interested to know more about BEAM Plus certification, please contact Mr. Yeung Hong-yu, Senior Engineer, at 2808 3594.