從「新」出發 同時,我們也欣然介紹機電工程署(機電署)新的管理層。在他們領導下,機電署會繼續引入嶄新科技,為客戶提供工程解決方案,並令部門表現更見出色。 「機電 • 啟航」 開展機電業人才培育新一頁 機電署與業界積極培訓年青技術員,並全力協助機電行業招募人才。我們與業界在2012年成立「香港機電業推廣工作小組」,致力推動機電業發展,並舉辦各類推廣活動,以吸納更多年青人入行。機電署一直在吸引新血的工作上擔當積極角色,去年更開始投放6億元,用作培訓見習技術員,並開創先河為業界每年培訓約100名四年制的見習二級技術員,目標是為業界培訓500名技術人員,同時第一屆的「合作培訓技術員先導計劃」亦已於2016年推出。先導計劃得到業界積極回應,至今已有24間機構參與。 今年,工作小組在機電署牽頭下於9月11日舉行「機電•啟航」迎新典禮,邀請近800名機電業年青學員參與,鼓勵他們發揮所長,在機電業一展抱負。是次典禮邀得政務司司長張建宗先生擔任主禮嘉賓。張司長在致辭時勉勵新學員把握機遇,努力裝備自己,為本港機電設施及城市發展作出貢獻。他更表示機電行業十分重要,因為「『機電』是社會的引擎,沒有『機電』整個社會就沒有動力,就不能夠操作。」對於工作小組多年來向社會推廣機電行業所付出的努力,張司長也表示讚賞。 此外,我們邀請了幾位已完成技術員訓練計劃的專業工程人員在典禮上分享工作經驗,以傳達機電業的專業形象和良好的發展前景,讓一眾新入職的年青人和親友對機電行業的工作和發展有更深入的了解,希望藉此改變「工字不出頭」的傳統觀念,並吸引更多年青人加入我們的大家庭。 Cheers for the Good "New" Days We are also delighted to introduce the new management of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). Under their leadership, EMSD will continue to introduce new technology, offer our clients engineering solutions and scale new heights. "E&M Go!" Turns a New Page in E&M Talent Cultivation EMSD and the trade are dedicated to the training of young technicians and recruitment of new talents. In 2012, we jointly formed the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Trade Promotion Working Group (Working Group) which has put considerable effort into promoting the industry development and organising various promotional activities to attract youngsters to join us. EMSD has been playing an active role in attracting new blood to the industry. Last year, we started to invest $600 million in training technician trainees. It is the first time that EMSD trains up about 100 Technician Trainees II (4-year) per year for the industry, with the aim to train up 500 technicians. At the same time, a new scheme namely "Pilot Cooperative Apprentice Training Scheme" was launched in 2016. The scheme has been well received by the trade and has attracted 24 organisations to participate so far. This year, EMSD took the lead to organise the “E&M Go!” Orientation Ceremony on 11 September to welcome about 800 young trainees and encourage them to pursue their aspirations in the trade. The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Matthew Cheung, was invited to officiate at the ceremony. In his speech, Mr. Cheung encouraged the new apprentices to grasp the opportunity to better equip themselves and contribute to the development of Hong Kong and the E&M industry. He pointed out that the E&M industry is very important. “It’s the ‘engine’ of the society. Without it, the entire society cannot be ‘powered up’ and thus cannot operate.” Mr. Cheung also expressed his appreciation of the Working Group’s dedication to promoting the E&M industry over the years. At the ceremony, we also invited some professional engineering personnel who have completed the technician training scheme to share their working experiences to showcase the professional image and promising career prospects of the E&M trade, giving the new comers and their families a better understanding of the work and development of the industry. This also aimed to change the mindset that “blue-collar workers will not have a bright future”, and attract more young people to join our big family.