新一代船隻航行監察服務系統無縫交接 為使新舊航監系統能夠無縫交接,我們採用分階段式安裝方案。新的中央控制系統早於去年3月便率先在上環船隻航行監察中心完成安裝,並由我們的專業工程團隊聯同海事處進行詳細測試,以完善系統的各項功能。我們待航監系統操作員純熟掌握操作後,才讓新舊系統銜接,最終達到無縫交接的目標。我們會陸續測試和驗收馬灣海上交通控制站的備用系統,以及遙控的雷達站及無線電通訊站等偏遠設施,預計全部驗收工作將於明年初完成。 機電署在1989年協助設立香港首個航監系統以來一直深受客戶信賴,其後又在2002年協助客戶成功把第二代航監系統投入服務。到了現在,我們繼續努力為客戶更換和提升第三代航監系統。新系統採用先進電子科技和資訊系統,例如固體數碼化雷達、自動識別系統、甚高頻測向系統、全IP資訊和話音網絡等。我們更成功將航監系統的運作和海事處的資訊系統數據庫結合,為系統締造無紙化的操作環境,這不但提升了船隻航行監察中心的運作效率,還讓客戶更有效地記錄和管理船隻的動向和航行資訊。 我們樂於與客戶分享最先進的科技系統,有興趣的客戶請致電3757 6027與我們的高級工程師彭國強先生聯絡。 To ensure a seamless migration from the old VTS to the new system, we adopted a phased implementation approach. Back to March last year, we installed the new central control system at the Vessel Traffic Centre (VTC) in Sheung Wan. The system was then tested thoroughly by our professional engineering team in close collaboration with the Marine Department to perfect its various functions. We waited until the VTS operators were fully conversant with the operation of the new system before we integrated it into the VTS, finally achieving the target of a seamless migration. We will proceed with the testing and commissioning of the back-up system at the Ma Wan Marine Traffic Control Station, as well as those remote facilities like the remote-control radar stations and radio stations. We expect to finish all the commissioning work by early next year. EMSD has long been trusted by our client since we helped build Hong Kong’s first VTS System in 1989. We then assisted in putting the second generation VTS into service successfully in 2002, and now we continue our commitment to complete the replacement and upgrade the system to the third generation VTS. The new system uses the latest electronic technology and information systems, such as solid-state digital radar, automated identification system, very high frequency direction finding system, IP-based data and voice network, etc. We also succeeded in integrating the VTS operation with the database of the Marine Department’s information system, creating a paperless operating environment in the system. This not only enhances the operation efficiency of the VTC, but also enables our client to record and manage vessel movement and navigational information more effectively. We are happy to share with our clients the most advanced technological systems. Please contact our Senior Engineer, Mr. Pang Kwok-keung, at 3757 6027 if you are interested.