



Hosting Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Energy Working Group Meetings

The EMSD actively co-operates with international organisations to discuss important energy issues and share the latest information on energy development to promote and implement effective energy conservation policies and measures. On 14 to 18 May this year, the Environment Bureau and the EMSD jointly hosted the 55th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Energy Working Group (EWG) meetings in Hong Kong on behalf of Hong Kong, China. Over 180 delegates and energy experts from APEC member economies attended the meetings to discuss energy challenges and opportunities in the region.

Discussion of participants mainly focused on their common goals, i.e. reducing energy intensity by 45% by 2035 using that of 2005 as the baseline, and doubling the renewable energy proportion by 2030 compared to that of 2010. During the meetings, the Asia-Pacific Energy Research Centre released the latest data indicating that the APEC economies’ energy intensity fell by 3.5% year-on-year in 2015, the biggest drop in a decade.

Experts of the EWG pointed out that we could not rely solely on regulatory measures to achieve the above energy saving targets. Every member of the society must work together to change behavioural patterns and attitudes from an early age. To this end, the “Youth Dialogue with APEC Experts” was organised on 15 May 2018 with the objective of encouraging the youth to equip themselves, raise their awareness of energy efficiency and conservation, as well as to understand the importance of sustainability.