



同時,我們即場展示多個示範項目,包括由機電署自行開發,用以監測交通信號燈、隧道抽水泵及照明等系統的遙距監測系統;以及四項由初創公司研發的創科產品,包括(一)本地大學團隊在「大學科技初創企業資助計劃」支持下,研發適用於中央冷氣系統的智能風機盤管控制器;(二)本地大學團隊研發的「被動式LED照明電源技術」;(三)經網上創新科技協作平台 E&M InnoPortal,成功配對技術需求和工程方案,促成與初創企業合作開發用以優化升降機運作的視像分析系統;(四) 透過機電署支持而獲創新及科技基金旗下「公營機構試用計劃」資助的「4S智能駕駛安全方案」。


黃局長當天更親自了解我們研發的「建築信息模擬—資產管理」系統,以及我們為這技術取得香港專利後,如何在本地和海外向建造業和機電業界推廣應用,期望將樓宇維修保養工作朝向高科技發展。我們又介紹遙距監測系統和透過E&M InnoPortal成功配對的試驗項目;並匯報機電署分別與本地業界及廣州市工貿技師學院的人才培訓交流情況,以及回顧機電署70年來與市民息息相關的服務。


繼去年12月成功舉辦「創新科技日」後,我們於今年6月29日再次與香港科技園公司在機電署總部大樓合辦該活動,邀請了十間來自科學園的初創企業進行專題演講,並與政府部門和公營機構的客戶代表交流,推動本地創新企業實踐研發成果的工作。當日活動由創新及科技局副局長鍾偉強博士擔任主禮嘉賓,他亦為機電署的協作平台 E&M InnoPortal 主持啟動儀式。

機電署署長薛永恒先生在活動上致歡迎辭時指出,自去年首次舉辦「創新科技日」後,機電署已持續開展推動創科的具體工作,包括成立創新辦公室,統籌部門的創科項目開發;設立E&M InnoPortal,將初創企業及大學的科技成果,以及政府部門、公營機構、機電業界的科技需求加以配對,在短短三個月間已累積超過100多個技術開發需求和解決方案,涵蓋物聯網、自動化科技、人工智能及能源效益等範疇,並成功配對10多個試驗項目,成績令人鼓舞。

我們歡迎客戶部門、機電業界、大學及初創企業提供技術需求清單和解決方案以作配對。請致電 2808 3879 與高級工程師林鑫駿先生聯絡,或瀏覽網址www.emsd.gov.hk/inno以獲取相關資訊。


Facilitating Collaboration in
E&M Innovation and Technology

To support the policy direction on Hong Kong’s innovation and technology (I&T) development outlined in last year’s Policy Address, we have affirmed I&T as one of our focuses in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund’s (EMSTF) Second Five-year Strategic Plan commencing in 2018/19. In response to the global trend of I&T development, we will also strengthen our effort in promoting collaboration among government departments, start-ups and universities. As per our Second Strategic Plan, we will embrace I&T to enhance co-operation with our I&T partners in order to strengthen our E&M engineering services to clients. At the same time, we will create an innovation culture and atmosphere within the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), encouraging our colleagues initiate smart solutions for Hong Kong’s smart city development.

In June, Mr. Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, and Mr. Michael Wong, Secretary for Development, visited EMSD respectively. They were briefed on how we applied I&T to raise service levels, facilitate smart city development and support local start-ups in implementing their research and development (R&D) results. Furthermore, we again co-hosted our Innovative Technology Day with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), promoting collaboration and development in I&T.

Secretary for Innovation and Technology & Secretary for Development Visit EMSD

Mr. Nicholas Yang, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, visited EMSD on 14 June. We briefed him on our work progress in promoting I&T, demonstrating our effort in encouraging collaboration among government departments, public organisations, universities and start-ups. Our aim is to enhance government services with I&T and facilitate the commercialisation of local technology.

On the day, we demonstrated various I&T projects, including the remote monitoring system we developed in-house to monitor traffic lights, and pumping and lighting systems for underpasses and subways. We also showcased four I&T products by start-ups, including (1) a Fan Coil Unit Energy Saver for central air-conditioning system developed by a local university team with funding support from the Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities; (2) “passive light-emitting diode lighting technology” invented by a local university team; (3) video analytics for lift operation optimisation, developed by a start-up engaged via our online I&T collaboration platform E&M InnoPortal which was established to match technology needs with engineering solutions; (4) the Safematics Smart Safety System (4S) Solution, an advanced driving assistance system funded by the Public Sector Trial Scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund with support from EMSD.

On 28 June, Mr. Michael Wong, Secretary for Development, also paid a visit to EMSD Headquarters to inspect our work. Mr. Wong expressed his full support for the Department’s effort in promoting I&T and driving collaboration among the trade and start-ups.

During the visit, Mr. Wong experienced first-hand the operation of the Building Information Modelling – Asset Management (BIM-AM) System developed by EMSD, and how we, after obtaining a Hong Kong patent for BIM-AM, promoted its wider application to the construction sector and E&M trades both locally and overseas, with the aim to move building maintenance services towards this advanced technology. We also briefed Mr. Wong on various remote monitoring systems, as well as pilot projects successfully matched via the E&M InnoPortal. He was also updated on EMSD’s sharing of talent training experiences with the local trade as well as the Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College, in addition to an overview of EMSD’s services to the public in our past 70 years’ history.

Innovative Technology Day

Following on the success of our first Innovative Technology Day last December, we repeated the event once again with the HKSTP on 29 June this year at EMSD Headquarters. Ten start-ups from the Science Park were invited to present on specific topics and share their experiences with representatives from different government departments and public organisations. The aim is to promote the R&D results of local I&T start-ups. Officiating guest of the day Dr. David Chung, Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, also officiated the launching ceremony of EMSD’s in-house developed E&M InnoPortal, an online platform which promotes I&T collaboration.

Mr. Sit Wing-hang, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, pointed out in his welcoming address that ever since our first Innovative Technology Day held in 2017, EMSD has been driving specific tasks to promote I&T. These included setting up an Inno-Office, coordinating EMSD’s I&T projects; as well as setting up our E&M InnoPortal which aims to match the R&D results of start-ups and universities with the technological needs of government departments, public organisations and the E&M trade. In just three months, the E&M InnoPortal has accumulated more than 100 technological development needs and R&D solutions, covering the Internet of Things, automation technology, artificial intelligence and energy efficiency technologies. We have also successfully matched more than 10 pilot projects with potential users – an encouraging number.

We welcome client departments, the E&M trade, universities and start-ups to provide their wish-lists of technology needs and solutions for matching. Please contact Mr. Tommy Lam, Senior Engineer, at 2808 3879 or visit www.emsd.gov.hk/inno for relevant information.





我們樂意與客戶分享「流動製冷系統」的應用和運作,如有興趣,請致電 3155 4003 與高級工程師張敏婕女士聯絡。

Mobile Chiller System Earned Design Patent

The EMSD has always been committed to promoting innovative technologies and developing new systems. To this end, we have developed the Mobile Chiller System and spent one and a half years completing the design and construction work. With an innovative design and high practicality, the Mobile Chiller System is the first of its kind in the global market and has successfully obtained a patent in Hong Kong.

The easily assembled Mobile Chiller System is designed to sustain air-conditioning service for public hospitals and clinics during abrupt breakdowns or regular maintenance of their air-conditioning systems. It can be transported, installed and connected to a central air-conditioning system anywhere and anytime, providing emergency backup chilled water supply. The system is highly regarded by the Hospital Authority for its effectiveness in offering emergency support to central chiller systems in hospitals, thereby enhancing their operational capability.

The Mobile Chiller System is versatile in that it can suit different applications. The four modular chiller units installed therein can be grouped together to perform tasks. In order to meet operational needs, they can also be separated to provide air-conditioning individually, at different locations, under different environments, in different buildings, or even for different sectors, e.g., the construction industry. Furthermore, it provides backup chilled water supply to an air-conditioning system during the replacement of its chiller units, enabling chiller replacement work to be carried out throughout the year rather than concentrated in the winter season. This helps relieve manpower shortage, and allows our clients to reduce costs and time.

We are happy to share with our clients the applications and operation of the Mobile Chiller System. Please contact our Senior Engineer, Ms. Jovian Cheung, at 3155 4003.


為客戶部門提供安全可靠的服務,一直是機電署堅守的承諾。位於赤鱲角的香港國際機場是全球最繁忙的機場之一,每天飛機起降量超過 1 100 架次。機電署與民航處長期緊密合作,以確保航空安全。為此,我們主動建議在所有航空障礙燈基站加裝不間斷供電系統,避免電源故障對航空障礙燈遠程監察系統造成影響。有關建議獲民航處支持。我們以不影響客戶運作為前提,並在確保現有航空障礙燈系統維持正常運作的情況下,於短短三個月內完成所有安裝工作。客戶部門感謝我們積極推動優化設備的工作,使障礙燈基站的停機檢查時間顯著減少。




Enhancement of Obstacle Light System

Providing safe and reliable services to client departments has been a persistent commitment of the EMSD. The Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok is one of the busiest airports in the world, with over 1 100 take-offs and landings every day. The EMSD has all along been working closely with the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) in ensuring aviation safety. To this end, we proactively proposed the installation of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems at all obstacle light stations (OLS) to prevent the remote monitoring system of obstacle lights from being affected by power supply failure. The proposal was supported by the CAD. All the installation works were completed in just three months on the premise of not affecting our clients’ operation and of ensuring that all existing OLS maintained normal operation. Our client departments have expressed appreciation for our efforts in actively promoting facility enhancement, which have significantly reduced the OLS downtime required for inspection.

The CAD deploys eight OLS on mountains near the flight paths of the Chek Lap Kok Airport to alert pilots of flight safety when navigating across the nearby mountains. A 24-hour radio signal system is available at the EMSD to provide real-time and remote monitoring of the operation of the OLS. When the power supply is unstable or interrupted, radio signals of the remote monitoring system will be affected or stopped, preventing engineering personnel from monitoring the real-time operation of the obstacle lights, thus posing risks to aviation safety. It is also necessary for us to make strenuous climbs across the mountains to conduct on-site inspection of the station in order to identify the impact of power interruption on the obstacle light system for follow-up action.

The installation of UPS systems at the OLS can ensure that the remote monitoring system of obstacle lights operates normally in an uninterrupted manner at times of power supply failure, and transmits operational data of the obstacle lights to the control centre in time for remote diagnosis and immediate identification of the reasons for the failure, thereby expediting follow-up work on the obstacle light system. This not only reduces the manpower and time required for making unnecessary on-site inspection, but also enhances availability of the obstacle light system to safeguard aviation safety.





Hosting Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Energy Working Group Meetings

The EMSD actively co-operates with international organisations to discuss important energy issues and share the latest information on energy development to promote and implement effective energy conservation policies and measures. On 14 to 18 May this year, the Environment Bureau and the EMSD jointly hosted the 55th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Energy Working Group (EWG) meetings in Hong Kong on behalf of Hong Kong, China. Over 180 delegates and energy experts from APEC member economies attended the meetings to discuss energy challenges and opportunities in the region.

Discussion of participants mainly focused on their common goals, i.e. reducing energy intensity by 45% by 2035 using that of 2005 as the baseline, and doubling the renewable energy proportion by 2030 compared to that of 2010. During the meetings, the Asia-Pacific Energy Research Centre released the latest data indicating that the APEC economies’ energy intensity fell by 3.5% year-on-year in 2015, the biggest drop in a decade.

Experts of the EWG pointed out that we could not rely solely on regulatory measures to achieve the above energy saving targets. Every member of the society must work together to change behavioural patterns and attitudes from an early age. To this end, the “Youth Dialogue with APEC Experts” was organised on 15 May 2018 with the objective of encouraging the youth to equip themselves, raise their awareness of energy efficiency and conservation, as well as to understand the importance of sustainability.





設計大型的航監系統是我們的專長。客戶如有任何查詢,歡迎致電 3757 6027 與高級工程師彭國強先生聯絡。

Assisting in Strengthening Vessel Traffic Services

In order to cope with the rapid development of the port and the increasing volume of marine traffic, as well as to enhance control of marine traffic and safety in port, the EMSD was entrusted by the Marine Department (MD) to replace and upgrade the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) System. In this project, the functions of the Ma Wan Marine Traffic Control Station were fully upgraded to make it a backup centre which operates in parallel with the Vessel Traffic Centre (VTC) and complements its functions. This well-equipped backup centre supports parallel operation and its system performance is also on a par with that of the VTC at the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal.

With a highly flexible system design, the new VTC in Ma Wan not only serves as a backup VTC to maintain daily operation of the MD in the event of emergency, but also allows the staff of the MD to work simultaneously at the VTCs in Ma Wan and Sheung Wan, so as to tie in with the future development of the MD. We have overcome the geographical constraints and seamlessly connected the VTS Systems in Ma Wan and Sheung Wan by using microwave and full digital communication systems, thus providing a near-cloud-based environment for real-time data access and simultaneous operation of the VTS Systems and enabling parallel operation of the two VTCs.

The third generation VTS System adopts the most advanced monitoring and communication systems and technologies, including solid-state digital radars, high-speed data and image processing systems, Internet Protocol-based very high frequency radio communication systems, etc., which effectively enhance the overall efficiency, reliability and flexibility of the VTS System. Upgrading the Ma Wan Marine Traffic Control Station as the backup VTC is one of the highlights of the project.

Designing large-scale VTS Systems is our specialty. For any enquiry, you are welcome to contact Mr. Pang Kwok-keung, Senior Engineer, at 3757 6027.






Hong Kong and Guangdong Co-operate in Talent Training

The EMSD is committed to training young technicians for passing on professional skills and promoting E&M trade development. To strengthen collaboration and exchanges between technical training institutions in Guangdong and Hong Kong, as well as to enhance the professional standards of E&M technicians in both places, the EMSD and the Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College (GITTC) signed on 1 June this year a memorandum of co-operation for talent training. This memorandum not only broke the geographical boundaries, but also kick-started the long-term co-operation between both parties in training E&M talents and achieving their common development goals. Through this, we also hope to upgrade the professional standards of technicians, thereby enhancing the quality of our services provided to client departments and safeguarding their E&M assets.

Addressing the signing ceremony of the memorandum, Mr. Sit Wing-hang, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, pointed out that Hong Kong's co-operation with the Mainland in training technicians can, in the long term, build a co-operative relationship between the E&M trade in Hong Kong and in the Mainland. This will not only facilitate the overall development of the E&M industry, but also help promote interaction and collaboration between technicians from both places, creating development opportunities for young people in Hong Kong and further promoting integration of talents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area.

According to the memorandum, the EMSD will, in the next three years, send technicians of different ranks in phases to participate in technical training courses provided by the GITTC to jointly enhance the standards of refrigeration and air-conditioning professionals. In addition, both parties plan to conduct a joint training programme for the 45th WorldSkills Competition 2019 to foster cultural and technological exchanges.

Guests attending the signing ceremony include representatives from different organisations in both places, including the Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Development Bureau, the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Trade Promotion Working Group, participating organisations of the Pilot Cooperative Apprentice Training Scheme, the E&M delegation to the 44th WorldSkills Competition, the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship of the Vocational Training Council, the Hong Kong Productivity Council, etc.





Kai Tak District Cooling Open Day

The District Cooling System (DCS) at the Kai Tak Development is a first-of-its-kind DCS in Hong Kong. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the EMSD as well as connect with the community to promote the energy efficiency of the DCS, the Department, in collaboration with the operator of the Kai Tak DCS, organised the first Open Day at the North Plant of the Kai Tak DCS on 19 May 2018, with a view to raising public awareness of environmental protection, thus jointly creating a healthy, liveable and sustainable environment for Hong Kong.

Mr. Wong Kam-sing, Secretary for the Environment, pointed out at the opening ceremony that the DCS is an energy-efficient air-conditioning system. To promote low-carbon development, the Government is studying the provision of DCSs for other new development areas/projects, including the Tung Chung New Town Extension project, the Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area and the topside development at the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities Island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

The Secretary also conversed with District Cooling Ambassadors nominated by SKH Holy Cross Primary School, PLK Stanley Ho Sau Nan Primary School and Cognitio College (Kowloon) in the district, and listened to their sharing of the benefits of using district cooling. These ambassadors will be responsible for promoting environmental protection and energy efficiency in their schools. Around 850 citizens in the community attended the Open Day. Public guided tours were also arranged on the Open Day for members of the public to visit the cooling facilities at the plant, thereby enhancing their understanding of the Kai Tak DCS.





客戶如欲了解更多關於啟德發展區區域供冷系統,歡迎致電3757 6244與我們的高級工程師盧潔瑩女士聯絡。

Promoting District Cooling

The Chief Executive announced in the 2017 Policy Address a new philosophy of governance to strengthen the Government’s roles as a “facilitator”, “promoter” and “regulator”, with a view to striving for a better Hong Kong. The EMSD has been actively playing these roles and has taken concrete actions to help Hong Kong achieve world-class standards in terms of E&M safety and effective use of energy, following the principles of being innovative, interactive and collaborative.

To promote sustainable development, Mr. Sit Wing-hang, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, and Ms. Denise Lo Kit-ying, Senior Engineer, attended the Technical Symposium 2018 organised by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, in London, United Kingdom. With “The District Cooling System in Hong Kong” as the presentation topic, we introduced to overseas academics and trade practitioners the leading role played by the EMSD in the project, explored ways of using innovative technologies to promote sustainable development, and highlighted Hong Kong's contribution in supporting the Paris Agreement, addressing climate change, making effective use of energy and strengthening urban infrastructure, so as to enhance Hong Kong's position in the international arena.

If you would like to know more about the District Cooling System at the Kai Tak Development, please contact Ms. Denise Lo Kit-ying, Senior Engineer, at 3757 6244.



機電署於2009年成立機電青少年大使計劃,致力在社區推廣機電安全、能源效益及機電業發展,計劃推出至今已有約 6 000名登記會員。今年4月5日,我們在機電署總部大樓舉辦機電青少年大使周年聚會,作為機電署成立70周年的慶祝活動之一,吸引超過150名會員及親友出席,場面熱鬧。



E&M Young Ambassador Annual Gathering

Committed to promoting E&M safety, energy efficiency and the development of the E&M trade in the community, the EMSD established the E&M Young Ambassador (EMYA) Programme in 2009, which has about 6 000 registered members since its launch. On 5 April 2018, we organised the E&M Young Ambassador Annual Gathering at the EMSD Headquarters Building as one of the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the EMSD. Attracting over 150 members and their relatives and friends, the event was filled with joyful atmosphere.

In addition to reviewing past vibrant activities and introducing future developments, we also arranged game sessions and invited winning teams of the Gerontech Youth Challenge to exchange their design insights and experience with participants.

Tailored for children and teenagers aged 6-21, the EMYA Programme passes on correct E&M knowledge to members by organising various activities regularly under the Programme. It also disseminates information on E&M safety, energy efficiency and the development of the E&M trade through members to their families and peers, and nurtures next-generation talents for the local E&M trade. For details of the programme and registration, please visit the website of the EMYA Programme at http://emya.emsd.gov.hk