








New Organisational Structure of Trading Services

To move towards a new era of E&M 2.0, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) has re-examined the service scope of various divisions and re-organised our structure to provide one-stop, integrated and comprehensive E&M operation, maintenance and project management services for our client departments.

By adopting the new organisational structure, the EMSTF will continuously innovate in the areas of innovation and technology (I&T), provide more digitised E&M engineering solutions for clients, and intensify our customer-focused and regional operation approach, maximising public value with community interest as our primary goal.

The new organisational structure will take effect on 1 October this year under which each division is responsible for the following scope of services for client departments:

Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division: It is responsible for two categories of services, namely boundary crossing facilities engineering services and transport engineering services. The former serves mainly the Airport Authority Hong Kong, Civil Aviation Department, Customs and Excise Department, Government Flying Service and Immigration Department. The latter mainly provides services to Transport Department and Highways Department.

Security and Vehicle Services Division: It mainly operates through three regions, namely Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories. Its major clients include Security Bureau, Correctional Services Department, Drainage Services Department, Fire Services Department, Hong Kong Police Force and Independent Commission Against Corruption. It also provides vehicle procurement and maintenance services for various government departments.

General Engineering Services Division, Health Sector Division and Municipal Sector Division: They will continue to provide project management, E&M operation and maintenance services for client venues, such as government offices, law court buildings, hospitals, public recreational and leisure facilities in accordance with the current scope of services.

Digitalisation and Technology Division: It is responsible for promoting and co-ordinating innovation and digital transformation. It will grasp the opportunities of I&T development, and lead the EMSTF in promoting the application of technology and innovation.

Corporate Services Division: It is responsible for providing central support services for our corporate, including corporate planning, customer services, marketing, business support, quality and process standardisation, safety, occupational health, environmental management, training development, trade connections, and stores management and procurement.



Client Manager System

Under the new organisational structure, each client department will be handled by different Strategic Business Units (SBUs). Details are as follows:

客戶經理:助理署長/1 Client Manager: Assistant Director/1
Responsible SBUs
1. Airport Authority Hong Kong 香港機場管理局 BTSD
2. Civil Aviation Department 民航處 BTSD
3. Correctional Services Department 懲教署 SVSD
4. Customs and Excise Department 香港海關 BTSD
5. Drainage Services Department 渠務署 SVSD
6. Fire Services Department 消防處 SVSD
7. Government Flying Service 政府飛行服務隊 BTSD
8. Highways Department 路政署 BTSD
9. Hong Kong Observatory 香港天文台 BTSD
10. Hong Kong Police Force 香港警務處 SVSD
11. Immigration Department 入境事務處 BTSD
12. Independent Commission Against Corruption廉政公署 SVSD
13. Security Bureau 保安局 SVSD
14. Transport Department 運輸署 BTSD
15. Vehicles from various departments 來自不同部門的車輛 SVSD


客戶經理:助理署長/2 Client Manager: Assistant Director/2
Responsible SBU(s)
1. Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department 漁農自然護理署 GESD
2. Architectural Services Department 建築署 GESD
3. Audit Commission 審計署 GESD
4. Auxiliary Medical Service 醫療輔助隊 GESD
5. Buildings Department 屋宇署 GESD
6. Census and Statistics Department 政府統計處 GESD
7. Chief Executive’s Office 行政長官辦公室 GESD
8. Chief Secretary for Administration's Office 政務司司長辦公室 GESD
9. Civil Aid Service 民眾安全服務隊 GESD
10. Civil Engineering and Development Department 土木工程拓展署 GESD
11. Civil Service Bureau 公務員事務局 GESD
12. Commerce and Economic Development Bureau 商務及經濟發展局 GESD
13. Companies Registry 公司註冊處 GESD
14. Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau 政制及內地事務局 GESD
15. Department of Health 衞生署 HSD
16. Department of Justice 律政司 GESD
17. Development Bureau 發展局 GESD
18. Education Bureau 教育局 GESD
19. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department 機電工程署 GESD
20. Environment Bureau 環境局 GESD
21. Environmental Protection Department 環境保護署 GESD
22. Financial Secretary's Office 財政司司長辦公室 GESD
23. Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau 財經事務及庫務局 GESD
24. Food and Environmental Hygiene Department 食物環境衞生署 MunSD
25. Food and Health Bureau 食物及衞生局 GESD
26. Government Laboratory 政府化驗所 HSD
27. Government Logistics Department 政府物流服務署 GESD
28. Government Property Agency 政府產業署 GESD
29. Home Affairs Bureau 民政事務局 GESD
30. Home Affairs Department 民政事務總署 GESD
31. Hospital Authority 醫院管理局 HSD
32. Housing Department / Housing Authority 房屋署 / 房屋委員會 GESD
33. Information Services Department 政府新聞處 GESD
34. Inland Revenue Department 稅務局 GESD
35. Innovation and Technology Commission 創新科技署 GESD
36. Intellectual Property Department 知識產權署 GESD
37. Invest Hong Kong 投資推廣署 GESD
38. Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service 公務及司法人員薪俸及服務條件諮詢委員會聯合秘書處 GESD
39. Judiciary 司法機構 GESD
40. Labour and Welfare Bureau 勞工及福利局 GESD
41. Labour Department 勞工處 GESD
42. Land Registry 土地註冊處 GESD
43. Lands Department 地政總署 GESD
44. Legal Aid Department 法律援助署 GESD
45. Legislative Council 立法會 GESD
46. Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署 MunSD
47. Marine Department 海事處 MunSD
48. Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 保險業監理處 GESD
49. Office of the Government Chief Information Officer 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 GESD
50. Office of the Communications Authority 通訊事務管理局辦公室 GESD
51. Official Receiver’s Office 破產管理署 GESD
52. Planning Department 規劃署 GESD
53. Post Office 郵政署 MunSD
54. Radio Television Hong Kong 香港電台 GESD
55. Rating and Valuation Department 差餉物業估價署 GESD
56. Registration and Electoral Office 選舉事務處 GESD
57. Secretariat, Commissioner on Interception of Communications and Surveillance 截取通訊及監察事務專員秘書處 GESD
58. Social Welfare Department 社會福利署 GESD
59. Working Family and Student Financial Assistance
Agency 在職家庭及學生資助事務處
60. Tourism Commission 旅遊事務署 MunSD
61. Trade and Industry Department 工業貿易署 GESD
62. Transport and Housing Bureau 運輸及房屋局 GESD
63. Treasury 庫務署 GESD
64. University Grants Committee Secretariat 大學教育資助委員會秘書處 GESD
65. Water Supplies Department 水務署 GESD
66. The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 菲臘牙科醫院 HSD

如有查詢,歡迎與客戶經理機電署助理署長/1王錫章先生(電話:2808 3847)或機電署助理署長/2張遠芳先生(電話:2808 3603)聯絡。
For enquiries, please contact your client manager Mr. Wong Sek-cheung, Assistant Director/1 of the EMSD, at 2808 3847 or Mr. Cheung Yuen-fong, Assistant Director/2 of the EMSD, at 2808 3603.