Impressive Results in Customer Opinion Survey 2022 with Customer Satisfaction and Competitiveness Indexes Hitting Record Highs

The Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund (EMSTF) has been committed to providing clients with comprehensive, high-quality and reliable E&M services. By conducting the Customer Opinion Survey (COS) biennially, we are able to better understand clients’ needs and improve service quality continually. The COS 2022 has been held and its results consolidated. We commissioned an independent market research company to conduct the COS 2022, for which a total of 1 822 questionnaires were distributed. The response rate reached 58.7%, an increase of more than 10% compared to that of the last survey (48.1%), indicating clients’ increased willingness to express their opinions.

The results showed growth in customer satisfaction for a number of key items. Based on an 8-point scale, the Customer Satisfaction Index rose from 6.83 in 2020 to 7.03 in 2022, and the overall Service Competitiveness Index rose from 6.85 to 7.06 for the same period. Both indexes hit historical highs. Significantly higher scores were given on all our service areas, including Operation and Maintenance of Equipment, Project Management and Consultancy and Vehicle Engineering Services. Besides, all items under Service Competitiveness, such as “flexibility and adaptability”, “commitment”, “application of innovation and technology”, “value for money”, etc. saw improvements in scores, reflecting our strong competitive advantage.

Four main reasons for clients to continue to choose EMSTF engineering services

Over the past two years, with reference to the COS 2020 results, we proactively made improvements on four major areas, including “ability for innovation and application of innovation and technology”, “worthy to continue using EMSTF engineering services and value for money”, “management of contractors” as well as “flexibility, adaptability and commitment”. With our scores in these areas higher in the COS 2022 than in the last survey, it is evident that our efforts have been paid off. 

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to client departments for their support for the EMSTF. In the future, the EMSTF will continue to work closely with clients, listen carefully to their needs and make constant efforts to enhance the service quality, serving as a reliable E&M engineering service partner, and strong and agile E&M support team.