E&M I&T Day 2023
Establishing Strategic Partnership and Enhancing Exchanges among All Parties

As the Innovation Facilitator of the Government, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) is tasked with the mission to promote the application of innovation and technology (I&T). Under the third Five-year Strategic Plan (the third Plan), we have put forward four major innovative strategies, including “Strengthening Innovative Collaboration between Stakeholders”, to realise the vision of “E&M 3.0 – Intelligent E&M”. To implement the relevant strategy, we provided the electrical and mechanical (E&M) industry with a platform for sharing their innovation achievements and experience in the E&M I&T Day 2023, facilitating exchange and collaboration on the development and application of I&T among all parties.

Actively Promoting Smart Construction

Organised by the EMSD, with support from the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and the Shenzhen Association for Science and Technology (the Association), the E&M I&T Day 2023 was successfully held on 31 July and 1 August at the Hong Kong Science Park. The event, with the theme of smart construction, brought together about 30 exhibitors from Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas to showcase their latest I&T achievements and solutions in smart construction. Through the event, the EMSD hoped to broaden the scope of I&T application, encourage the construction industry to make good use of I&T, strengthen collaboration across different regions to inspire innovative thinking, and drive all parties to foster I&T development hand in hand. The event was also live streamed online and simultaneously broadcast in the Mainland, with approximately 1 100 participants both online and offline.

Realising Innovative Strategies of “E&M 3.0”

The E&M I&T Day 2023 aimed to actively promote I&T development in line with the innovative strategies of the third Plan. Through the signing of a memorandum of co-operation (MoC) and the exchange activities, the event promoted and facilitated collaboration among clients, industries and I&T strategic partners in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and internationally.

The first day of the event kicked off with the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Co-operation on Innovation and Technology Exchange. The MoC was signed between the EMSD and the Association to establish a strategic partnership for supporting the application of I&T in government departments and bolstering future collaboration between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. After the signing ceremony, representatives from government departments, public organisations, the E&M and I&T industries, and tertiary institutions gave presentations on smart construction. Booths were set up in the venue to showcase related I&T solutions. The second day offered participants guided tours, including visits to the smart construction materials laboratory of the Nano and Advanced Materials Institute, laboratories of the Hong Kong Centre for Construction Robotics as well as the Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre, so that they could have an in-depth understanding of the development of smart construction.

Strengthening Innovative Collaboration between Stakeholders

Apart from the aforementioned MoC, the EMSD previously also signed MoCs with five academic institutions and seven research institutions in 2019 as well as three academic institutions in 2022 to establish strategic partnerships. In addition, the EMSD signed MoCs with the Guangdong Academy of Sciences, the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology and the Guangdong Productivity Centre respectively in 2019 to enhance I&T collaboration between Guangdong and Hong Kong. The E&M InnoPortal was introduced to the GBA in order to expand the availability of local I&T resources and promote Hong Kong’s I&T solutions. The recent MoC signed between the EMSD and the Association aimed to further promote the E&M InnoPortal which connects start-ups and potential users and increase the number of strategic partners, and thereby laying a foundation for future collaboration.

Looking ahead, the EMSD will continue to promote the E&M I&T exchange, as well as leveraging its knowledge and expertise in E&M engineering to support client departments and the engineering industry in enhancing their operational efficiency and facilitating the implementation of I&T solutions, thereby benefiting the general public.

Welcome to visit the dedicated website on the third Five-year Strategic Plan (http://5yearplan.emsd.gov.hk) for details of the Plan and subscription of an e-newsletter for the latest updates of the Plan.

New Handheld Raman Spectrometers Put into Use at Border Control Points

The EMSD recently introduced 44 new Raman spectrometers to the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED), enabling frontline officers to conveniently and swiftly identify contraband during cargo examinations. The instrument has been successfully put into service at various sea, land and air border control points, assisting frontline officers to speedily perform customs clearance duties.

The new model of Raman spectrometers effectively solves the problems encountered during traditional examination procedures. In past rapid tests, customs officers might need to unpack cargoes or break open containers to collect samples, which were then placed in the instrument for testing. This process was not only cumbersome but could also easily damage the cargoes. The new handheld Raman spectrometer, which employs laser scattering technology, can penetrate containers with a laser beam to analyse the chemical composition of the objects inside, without unpacking the cargoes. As each substance possesses a unique spectral signature, the spectrometer can swiftly identify contraband such as drugs or explosives by distinguishing different spectra. The new spectrometer thus enhances the accuracy of cargo screening while avoiding damage to and custom officers’ contact with the cargoes, boosting customs clearance efficiency and minimising inconvenience to the cargo owners. Furthermore, as frontline customs officers can identify the contents of a container without opening it, they can avoid exposure to harmful substances in contraband, and thereby ensuring their safety. Not only is the new Raman spectrometer safer and more efficient, but it is also lighter and easier to operate when compared with the previous generation.

The EMSD is committed to assisting its client to implement the Smart Customs Blueprint by deploying technology to enhance work efficiency and safety, which has won high praise from the C&ED. In future, we will continue to provide suitable solutions to optimise the technology and equipment of our clients.

Hospital Authority Convention 2023

The Hospital Authority (HA) Convention 2023 was held in May with the aim of promoting the sharing of knowledge about and experience in clinical advances. This year, the EMSD set up its exhibition booth under the themes of “Service Excellence”, “Workflow Innovation and Adoption of I&T Solutions in Maintenance” and “I&T Achievements and Applications in Public Hospitals”, showcasing to the health sector the application of the Building Information Modelling – Asset Management System at Tin Shui Wai Hospital, the Biomedical Engineering Services e-form platform, and a series of award-winning innovative solutions, such as the Smart Antifouling Seawater Screen, the Smart Overhead Rail Servicing Robot, the Smart Boiler Servicing Robot, etc. The EMSD will maintain constant communication with the sector to gain an in-depth understanding of clients’ needs and continue to support the HA with innovative technologies, thereby assisting to further enhance the healthcare services in Hong Kong.

EMSD Engineering Graduate Achieved Honour

Mr. Ronvin Kwan, a 2022 mechanical engineering graduate of the EMSD, won the first prize in the Trainee of the Year Award 2022 organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), and received the award at the Prize Presentation Ceremony held earlier. Furthermore, Mr. Kwan was selected as the Best Engineering Graduate of the Department. Mr. Kwan stated that he had benefited a lot from the two-year training programme, not only acquiring technical knowledge, but also enhancing his communication and management skills, thereby laying a solid foundation for his future career as a professional engineer.

The Trainee of the Year Award is presented annually by the HKIE to commend engineering graduates who have put up outstanding performance in the training programme and dedicated themselves to contributing to the HKIE and society. Mr. Kwan’s prize, which shows the remarkable performance of our new blood, also represents recognition of our Engineering Graduate Training Scheme.

Yuen Long Theatre Stage System Advancement Project

As the forms of performing arts evolve continuously, stage technologies also have to be updated to meet the needs of the new generation of performers and audience. In such light, the EMSD has collaboratively delivered an advancement project with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) in its venue Yuen Long Theatre. To improve the capabilities of this cultural landmark in Yuen Long District, the team refurbished the stage system of the theatre’s auditorium by enhancing its automated operation and incorporating new equipment and functions, thereby giving a new look to the performing venue that promotes cultural activities.

Since the initial stage of the works project, the EMSD had been communicating closely with the client department, contractor and other stakeholders by organising partnering workshops to gain a thorough understanding of the limitations and challenges faced in refurbishing the stage system, with a view to formulating an appropriate improvement plan. The works involved the upgrading of various facilities of the auditorium, including the electric fly system, the stage revolve and wagon system, the sprung floor system, the electrically-operated orchestra pit drive system, the acoustic panel fly system, etc., providing performance groups with a wider array of modern stage effects to choose from, expanding the room for their creativity and fostering a diversified development of performances. Yuen Long Theatre is the first theatre venue in Hong Kong to integrate a stage revolve and wagon system with a sprung floor system. Leveraging the real-time transitioning function, the system enables flexible switching between hard and soft flooring and can be used together with the revolving stage, allowing performers to flexibly deploy different stage machineries for diverse performance effects. Moreover, the theatre is equipped with an all-in-one operating system having multi-functions such as the integrated control panel and user interface, which facilitates the operation and maintenance of the stage system.

Thanks to the EMSD’s close collaboration with the client and contractor, the advancement project was swiftly completed and delivered within a year, significantly shortening the lead time by half. On the day of completion of the project, the project team organised an intriguing stage performance to introduce the details of various updated stage machineries. Combining the use of music, lighting and stage machinery operation, the performance demonstrated to the client and stakeholders the unlimited possibilities brought by the new stage engineering system.

Readers are welcome to visit the website (https://bit.ly/3Pu7Oc4) to view highlights of the refurbishment works of the stage system and the demonstration performance.

Setting up Small Hours Traffic Lights Maintenance Team to Enhance Public Service Quality

In previous instances of emergency failures in traffic lights, the EMSD team has promptly arranged emergency maintenance and successfully overcame numerous challenges with our clients. In order to provide comprehensive support for the operation of the road safety system and further enhance our service for emergencies, the EMSD has established a small hours traffic lights maintenance team, which closely co-ordinates with the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) and the Transport Department to provide traffic lights maintenance services during the early hours. The service coverage includes Kowloon, Hong Kong Island, Tseung Kwan O, Tsuen Wan and Shatin. The team strives to improve maintenance services and efficiency during the small hours, making every effort to complete repair works before the morning peak hours to minimise the impact on traffic operations, ensuring appropriate and professional services to meet the specific needs of client departments.

EMSD Introduced Motor Tricycles for Police Force

To enhance the safety of police officers in their discharge of duties and improve overall fleet efficiency, the EMSD introduced 36 motor tricycles for the HKPF. Throughout the entire process, from understanding the client’s needs, conducting tender exercises, modifying design, carrying out testing and commissioning of vehicles to putting the vehicles into service, we worked closely with the HKPF, offering professional advice and technical support to ensure the best solution for our client. Compared to conventional motorcycle designs, the new vehicles, which feature an automatic transmission and three-wheel design, provide better driving manoeuvrability, higher stability and greater comfortability, thereby effectively reducing the risk of rollovers at low speed and safeguarding the safety of officers on duty. All 36 motor tricycles had been delivered since March 2023 and progressively deployed to various districts. They are now in full service.

EMSD Proactively Promotes Youth Development by Establishing the E&M Youth Development Committee

The EMSD, in collaboration with five secondary schools, has recently concluded its pilot STEM education programme “Witty Bear Campus Tour – EMbrace Smart Living in Daily Life”, with the graduation ceremony cum the E&M Youth Development Committee (the Committee) launching ceremony held on 6 July. Conducted in an interesting and interactive manner, the eight-month pilot programme enhanced students’ E&M knowledge and aroused their interest in joining the E&M industry in the future through various activities such as the Smart Living Talk, Design Thinking Workshop and Prototype Making, as well as Learning Outcome Sharing Exhibition.

To nurture young talent and pursue the Government strategies in the Youth Development Blueprint, the EMSD has especially established the Committee, which aims to strengthen communication with young people and deepen their understanding of the E&M industry, so as to encourage more young people to join the industry. Mr. Pang Yiu-hung, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, said in his speech that the EMSD has always been sparing no effort to promote public education and youth development. Through the establishment of the Committee, the EMSD seeks to cultivate positive attitudes and vibes in the young people and equips its young colleagues to open up more innovative development opportunities for the Department and the E&M industry.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the EMSD. We will organise the EMSD 75th Anniversary Ceremony cum Fun Day between November and December to share with the public, together with the E&M industry, our development, achievements and contribution to society over the years. Members of the public are welcome to join the event.

Please visit the website (https://bit.ly/48s1af6) to view the EMSD 75th Anniversary Commemorative Video.