EMSD Engineering Graduate Achieved Honour

Mr. Ronvin Kwan, a 2022 mechanical engineering graduate of the EMSD, won the first prize in the Trainee of the Year Award 2022 organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), and received the award at the Prize Presentation Ceremony held earlier. Furthermore, Mr. Kwan was selected as the Best Engineering Graduate of the Department. Mr. Kwan stated that he had benefited a lot from the two-year training programme, not only acquiring technical knowledge, but also enhancing his communication and management skills, thereby laying a solid foundation for his future career as a professional engineer.

The Trainee of the Year Award is presented annually by the HKIE to commend engineering graduates who have put up outstanding performance in the training programme and dedicated themselves to contributing to the HKIE and society. Mr. Kwan’s prize, which shows the remarkable performance of our new blood, also represents recognition of our Engineering Graduate Training Scheme.