EMSD Introduced Motor Tricycles for Police Force

To enhance the safety of police officers in their discharge of duties and improve overall fleet efficiency, the EMSD introduced 36 motor tricycles for the HKPF. Throughout the entire process, from understanding the client’s needs, conducting tender exercises, modifying design, carrying out testing and commissioning of vehicles to putting the vehicles into service, we worked closely with the HKPF, offering professional advice and technical support to ensure the best solution for our client. Compared to conventional motorcycle designs, the new vehicles, which feature an automatic transmission and three-wheel design, provide better driving manoeuvrability, higher stability and greater comfortability, thereby effectively reducing the risk of rollovers at low speed and safeguarding the safety of officers on duty. All 36 motor tricycles had been delivered since March 2023 and progressively deployed to various districts. They are now in full service.