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Our Organisation

Our organisation structure is listed below: : Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (General Manager, EMSTF) Mr K Y POON, JP Tel: 2808 3601. Two Deputy Director are Deputy Director Regulatory Services Mr P C CHAN Tel: 2808 3606 and Deputy Director Trading Services Mr H K CHOW, JP Tel: 2808 3845. Six Assistant Directors are Assistant Director Railways Mr Y H CHAN Tel: 2808 3302, Assistant Director Electricity and Energy Efficiency Mr M S KONG Tel: 2808 3818, Assistant Director Gas & General Legislation Mr L WONG Tel: 2808 3645, Assistant Director/1 Mr T T YIU Tel: 2808 3847, Assistant Director/2 Mr S K YEUNG Tel: 2808 3603 and Assistant Director/3 Mr C L LEE Tel: 2808 3800. One chief engineer is Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Electricity Team Mr K M CHENG Tel: 3509 8654. Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (General Manager, EMSTF) Mr K Y POON, JP Tel: 2808 3601 Deputy Director Regulatory Services Mr P C CHAN Tel: 2808 3606 Deputy Director Trading Services Mr H K CHOW, JP Tel: 2808 3845 Assistant Director Railways Mr Y H CHAN Tel: 2808 3302 Assistant Director Electricity and Energy Efficiency Mr M S KONG Tel: 2808 3818 Assistant Director Gas & General Legislation Mr L WONG Tel: 2808 3645 Assistant Director/1 Mr T T YIU Tel: 2808 3847 Assistant Director/2 Mr S K YEUNG Tel: 2808 3603 Assistant Director/3 Mr C L LEE Tel: 2808 3800 Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Electricity Team Mr K M CHENG Tel: 3509 8654

Railways Branch Struture is listed below: Assistant Director Railways Mr Y H CHAN Tel: 2808 3302. Two chief engineers are Railways 1 Chief Engineer Mr W Y HO Tel: 3912 0621, Railways 2 Chief Engineer Mr Y K CHOW Tel: 3912 0623, Railways 3 Chief Engineer Mr Y F LI Tel: 3757 6267 and Railways 4 Chief Engineer Mr W Y YUEN Tel: 3757 6267 Assistant Director Railways Mr Y H CHAN Tel: 2808 3302 Railways 1 Chief Engineer Mr W Y HO Tel: 3912 0621 Railways 2 Chief Engineer Mr Y K CHOW Tel: 3912 0623 Railways 3 Chief Engineer Mr Y F LI Tel: 3757 6267 Railways 4 Chief Engineer Mr W Y YUEN Tel: 3757 6267

Railways Branch is the regulatory body of the MTR Lines, the Automated People Mover at the airport, the Hong Kong Tramways and the Peak Tramway. The role of the Branch is to oversee the safe operation of the above railways and tramways. The main functions of the Branch include:

  • Investigating into railway and tramway incidents;
  • Ensuring the adoption of appropriate safety practices by the railway corporations;
  • Assessing and approving new railway and major railway modifications; and
  • Assessing and following up the railway corporations' improvement measures.

Electricity and Energy Efficiency Branch Struture is listed below: Assistant Director Electricity and Energy Efficiency Mr M S KONG Tel: 2808 3818. Three chief engineers are Energy Efficiency Division A Chief Engineer Mr P W LAM Tel: 2808 3798, Energy Efficiency Division B Chief Engineer Mr S F LEUNG Tel: 2808 3807, Energy Efficiency Division C Chief Engineer Mr W M KWAN Tel: 3912 0696 and Electricity Legislation Division Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Mr Y H LEUNG Tel: 2808 3649 Assistant Director Electricity and Energy Efficiency Mr M S KONG Tel: 2808 3818 Energy Efficiency Division A Chief Engineer Mr P W LAM Tel: 2808 3798 Energy Efficiency Division B Chief Engineer Mr S F LEUNG Tel: 2808 3807 Energy Efficiency Division C Chief Engineer Mr W M KWAN Tel: 3912 0696 Electricity Legislation Division Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Mr Y H LEUNG Tel: 2808 3649

Electricity and Energy Efficiency Branch encompasses the two divisions of the Energy Efficiency Office and another division dealing with electricity safety legislation.

The Energy Efficiency Office consists of Energy Efficiency Division A, Energy Efficiency Division B and Energy Efficiency Division C and is responsible for the development, implementation and promotion of programmes to improve energy efficiency, to conserve energy, and to encourage the wider adoption of renewable energy. The Office is also responsible for giving technical support to policy bureaux, and to the Energy Advisory Committee and its Energy Efficiency and Conservation Sub-committee.

The Office is the enforcing body for the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance. The Office works to issue codes of practice, such as Building Energy Codes, establish guidelines, and is actively involved in working groups and related committees in the efficient use and conservation of electricity. Additional initiatives range from energy management to energy end-use database management, benchmarking, water-cooled air-conditioning systems, district water-cooled air conditioning systems, the exploration of advanced energy efficiency technologies, voluntary energy efficiency labelling scheme, voluntary energy efficiency registration scheme for buildings to promote wider use of new and renewable energy.

The Electricity Legislation Division is responsible for enforcement of the Electricity Ordinance and its subsidiary regulations. The Division's main duties are to ensure safe electrical installations, safe electrical products and the safe and reliable supply of electricity, as well as to promote safety practices and the safe use of electricity through public education.

Gas and General Legislation Branch Struture is listed below: Assistant Director Gas and General Legislation Mr L WONG Tel: 2808 3645. Three chief engineers are Gas Standards Division A Chief Engineer Mr W K HUI Tel: 2808 3221, Gas Standards Division B Chief Engineer Mr C K CHEUNG Tel: 2808 3811, General Legislation Division 1 Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Mr S O NG  Tel: 2808 3861 and General Legislation Division 2 Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Mr K M KWAN Tel: 3911 0208 Assistant Director Gas and General Legislation Mr L WONG Tel: 2808 3645 Gas Standards Division A Chief Engineer Mr W K HUI Tel: 2808 3221 Gas Standards Division B Chief Engineer Mr C K CHEUNG Tel: 2808 3811 General Legislation Division 1 Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Mr S O NG  Tel: 2808 3861 General Legislation Division 2 Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Mr K M KWAN Tel: 3911 0208

Gas and General Legislation Branch encompasses the two divisions of the Gas Standards Office and two divisions dealing with general legislation.

The Gas Standards Office is the enforcing body of the Gas Safety Ordinance to control, in the interest of public safety, the importation, manufacture, storage, transport, supply and use of gas and other related matters. Within the scope of the Ordinance, the Office advises on engineering practice and systems maintenance in the gas industry, including investigations into gas-related incidents with a view to ascertaining causes and formulating recommendations for future preventive measures. The Office also undertakes inspections of LPG facilities in oil company terminals and at industrial and domestic premises. It is also actively involved in gas safety promotion and in specialist training of gas installers.

The General Legislation Division 1 is responsible for public safety through the administration of a range of ordinances. Its main duties are to ensure safe operation of lifts, escalators, amusement rides, aerial ropeways, builders' lifts and tower working platforms.

The General Legislation Division 2 is responsible for enforcing the Lifts and Escalators Ordinance to regulate major alteration of lifts and escalators, aged lifts and escalators, and support the implementation of the Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme.

Engineering Services Branch 1 Struture is listed below: Assistant Director Engineering Services 1 Mr T T YIU Tel: 2808 3847 Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division Chief Engineer Mr K F CHING Tel: 2808 3706 Security and Vehicle Services Division Chief Engineer Mr W F CHU Tel: 2808 3854 Assistant Director/1 Mr T T YIU Tel: 2808 3847 Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division Chief Engineer Mr K F CHING Tel: 2808 3706 Security and Vehicle Services Division Chief Engineer Mr W F CHU Tel: 2808 3854

Engineering Services Branch 1 provides a wide range of consultancy, project planning, operation and maintenance services relating to vehicles, electrical and mechanical (E&M), air-conditioning, electronics and building services facilities. This Branch comprises the Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division and the Security and Vehicle Services Division.

The Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division provides two categories of services. The first category is boundary crossing facilities engineering services, which cover the operation, maintenance, consultancy and project management services of E&M, electronics and building services systems at the airport and boundary control points. Such systems include the equipment installed at the Hong Kong International Airport, Air Traffic Control Tower and Complex and other government facilities at the airport, fixed and mobile X-ray systems at boundary control points, etc. The second category is transport engineering services, which cover the operation, maintenance, consultancy and project management services of E&M, electronics and building services systems (such as road and tunnel facilities, traffic control and surveillance systems, and smart mobility systems, etc.) for Transport Department and Highways Department.

The Security and Vehicle Services Division provides consultancy, project planning, operation and maintenance services for six major clients, including Hong Kong Police Force, Fire Services Department, Correctional Services Department, Drainage Services Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption and Security Bureau. This Division also provides vehicle maintenance services and vehicle procurement services for government departments/bureaux.

Engineering Services Branch 2 Struture is listed below: Assistant Director/2 Mr S K YEUNG Tel: 2808 3603 General Engineering Services Division Chief Engineer Mr S C LAM Tel: 2773 2300, Municipal Sector Division Chief Engineer Mr S Y POON Tel: 2808 3769, Health Sector Division 1 Chief Engineer Mr L H TSE Tel: 2808 3563 and Health Sector Division 2 Chief Engineer Mr K F LAI Tel: 3911 0222 Assistant Director/2 Mr S K YEUNG Tel: 2808 3603 General Engineering Services Division Chief Engineer Mr S C LAM Tel: 2773 2300 Municipal Sector Division Chief Engineer Mr S Y POON Tel: 2808 3769 Health Sector Division 1 Chief Engineer Mr L H TSE Tel: 2808 3563 Health Sector Division 2 Chief Engineer Mr K F LAI Tel: 3911 0222

Engineering Services Branch 2 is made up of four divisions.

The General Engineering Services Division provides operation and maintenance services for the E&M, electronics and building services systems and equipment at government offices, schools, community centres, courts and specialised government buildings. The clients of the Division are mostly government departments and bureaux outside the service scope of other Divisions. The Division also works very closely with the Property Services Branch of the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD) in the alteration, addition and improvement works of various building services installations and the deployment of design projects, and provides project management services for ArchSD’s Project Management Branch. Besides, the Division offers consultancy services to the Education Bureau and the Social Welfare Department on building services works (including undertaking major and emergency repairs) at aided schools that are not located in public housing estates and such works in subvented non-governmental organisations.

The Municipal Sector Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of air-conditioning, building services, E&M and electronics equipment at postal centres, ferry terminals, cultural complexes, parks, games halls, libraries and market complexes, etc. Major clients of the Division are Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Marine Department, Hong Kong Post Office and Tourism Commission.

The Health Sector Division undertakes the operation and maintenance of E&M, electronics and building services systems and equipment installed at public hospitals, laundries, laboratories and clinics. Many of such systems and equipment are specialised equipment for hospitals, such as medical gas supply systems and sterilisers, etc. The Division is also responsible for the drafting of specifications, procurement and maintenance of patient-related biomedical equipment, therapy equipment and clinical laboratory equipment. Major clients of the Division are Hospital Authority, Department of Health Government Laboratory and the Prince Philip Dental Hospital.

Engineering Services Branch 3 Struture is listed below: Assistant Director/3 Mr C L LEE Tel: 2808 3800 Digitalisation and Technology Division Chief Engineer Mr H Y CHAN Tel: 2808 3517 Corporate Services Division Chief Engineer Ms S M LAM Tel: 2808 3626 Assistant Director/3 Mr C L LEE Tel: 2808 3800 Digitalisation and Technology Division Chief Engineer Mr H Y CHAN Tel: 2808 3517 Corporate Services Division Chief Engineer Ms S M LAM Tel: 2808 3626

Engineering Services Branch 3 is responsible for formulating strategies and plans to meet business objectives of our corporate, promoting and co-ordinating innovation and digital transformation, as well as managing all central support services at corporate level, so as to lead the EMSTF in building a framework that promotes the application of technology and innovation. This Branch comprises the Digitalisation and Technology Division and the Corporate Services Division and directly manages contract advisory matters.

The Digitalisation and Technology Division is responsible for driving the application of innovation and technology in the department, including digitalisation of E&M equipment, provision of innovative solutions to improve the E&M engineering services, and development of the Building Information Modelling technology to complement asset management. The Division also provides central support services for our corporate, including computer systems on corporate management, computer applications, departmental networks and data centres.

The Corporate Services Division is responsible for providing central support services for our corporate, including corporate planning, customer services, marketing, business support, quality and process standardisation, safety, occupational health, environmental management, training development, trade connections, and stores management and procurement.