Welcome to the website of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
You will find useful information here regarding the work of EMSD, including how we ensure the electrical and mechanical (E&M) safety for the public and promote energy saving and emission reduction by enforcing ordinances and systems related to electricity, gas, lifts and escalators, amusement rides, railway and energy efficiency; and how we facilitate the provision of quality public service to benefit the society by providing professional and quality E&M system operation and maintenance services to more than 100 government departments and public bodies.
At EMSD, we believe that agility, innovation and openness are the keys to success for the above work. In this connection, we make our best efforts to communicate and engage with the public, the trade and relevant stakeholders to collect their views in a proactive manner. We also endeavour to make available on this website data and information closely related to the public in a timely manner for effective scrutiny of our work by the community. You are most welcome to browse our website regularly and share with us your valuable comments or suggestions for our continuous improvement.
Happy surfing!
POON Kwok Ying, Raymond
Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services