

The following are the relevant statutory provisions on refrigerants under the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region:

Type of refrigerant
For the composition of refrigerants falls under the definition of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) under the Gas Safety Ordinance, the importation, manufacture, storage, transport, supply and use of these refrigerants shall be in compliance with the Gas Safety Ordinance. For the composition of refrigerants not under the definition of LPG, the transport and storage of these refrigerants shall be in compliance with the Dangerous Goods Ordinance.

* The Amended Dangerous Goods Ordinance came into effect on 31 March 2022.
Household electrical appliances
For the safety of all household electrical products, including those contain refrigerant, supplied in Hong Kong shall be controlled under the Electrical Products (Safety) Regulation under the Electricity Ordinance.
Energy Efficiency
Room air-conditioners, refrigerating appliances and dehumidifiers are the prescribed products under Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme.
Disposal of refrigerant is a kind of chemical waste, which is under the control of Waste Disposal Ordinance. Banning the import of controlled products containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). Under the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WPRS), regulated electrical equipment (REE) shall arrange for the consumer a free removal service for disposal of the same type of waste equipment (e.g. air-conditioners and refrigerators etc.
Occupational Safety and Health
This ordinance provides for the safety and health protection to workers in the industrial sector. This ordinance provides for the safety and health protection to employees in workplaces, both industrial and non-industrial.
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