Service Highlights

Staff and visitors were required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” QR code and produce their Vaccine Passes or Special Passes before being allowed to enter the EMSD Headquarters and its outstations.

In addition to stepping up our regular cleaning efforts, we arranged disinfection of the affected office areas and spraying of antimicrobial coating for the common areas and facilities in the EMSD Headquarters to provide a clean and safe working environment for colleagues.

In the fifth wave of the epidemic, the EMSD actively participated in anti-epidemic work by leading a team to deliver hot meals to residents of Kwai Chung Estate, and carrying out various “restriction-testing declaration” operations in the specified “restricted areas”. We assisted residents who were affected by the operations and walked hand in hand with the public, with a view to the early containment of the virus in the community.

In July 2021, the EMSD and the Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Trade Promotion Working Group held the Electrical and Mechanical Expo 2021 in the Education & Careers Expo to promote the industry to the younger generation.

The EMSTF 25th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony was successfully held in August 2021 under the theme of “Co-innovate and Co-create Our Future”. Mr John Lee, the then Chief Secretary for Administration (6th left) officiated at the ceremony.

The EMSD signed a number of memoranda of co-operation with the Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and co-organised online training programmes with various technician colleges in Guangzhou for technician trainees to continue their studies during the epidemic.

The EMSD and the Guangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau facilitated and sent representatives to witness the signing of the Memorandum of Co-operation on the Training of Electrical Engineering Talent in Hong Kong and Guangzhou by the Vocational Training Council, the CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and the Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College. The memorandum aimed to strengthen the integration and development of talent in Guangzhou and Hong Kong.

During the year, a pilot scheme on the Smart Car Park System was launched in the EMSD Headquarters to facilitate drivers’ identification of vacant parking spaces and increase the utilisation rate through flexible integration of parking spaces and installation of car park sensors. The experience and results gained from the scheme would help further promote smart city development and foster Smart Mobility.

In the 2021 Staff Satisfaction Survey, the EMSD achieved record-high results with a response rate of as high as 50% and an overall staff satisfaction rating of 7.6 out of 10. During the survey period, a number of on-site promotions were conducted to boost the response rate.

Four representatives of the EMSD Staff Club participated in the first FIFA e-sports competition between the EMSD Staff Club and the Government Information Technology Professionals Association. In a show of strong solidarity, a number of colleagues cheered them up on-site.

Colleagues participated actively in various outdoor activities organised by the EMSD, exercising from the mountains to the sea, to achieve physical and mental relaxation, improve physical health and relieve stress from work and daily life.

The themes of the most popular “ZOOM with You” online series become more diversified, covering diet, lifestyle, music, sports, arts, gardening, etc., to help colleagues maintain physical and mental health.

To facilitate technical exchanges and encourage constructive interaction among colleagues, the webpage of Knowledge Community Portal was enhanced progressively having regard to the browsing and usage habits of the staff.

Dr Ko Pat-sing, Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority (4th left), Mr Pang Yiu-hung, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services (4th right), and the EMSD senior management attended the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit in November 2021.

Our colleague introduced to visitors at the Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit various innovation and technology exhibits that can bring convenience to the daily lives of the elderly.

Apart from visiting colleagues at the EMSD Headquarters, Witty Bear also participated in other outreach activities such as school talks, exhibitions and events to promote the E&M safety awareness of the general public, as well as enhancing their understanding and impression of the EMSD.

Witty Bear and KnowBot, the mascots of the EMSD, have strengthened the engagement with the general public through their social media platforms, online and other outdoor promotional activities, in which E&M knowledge and tips were effectively promoted. The Facebook and Instagram pages of Witty Bear (@emsdwittybear) have now attracted more than 11 000 followers.
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