The Health Sector Division
made major progress in the year under review. Although the Hospital
Authority (HA) was "untied" in August 2000, the division
saw net growth in business, thanks to the retention of the HA
business and the acquisition of new businesses.
During the year it secured long-term service agreements with
the Department of Health and Prince Philip Dental Hospital.
It also secured new clients such as the Military Hospital and
the Chinese University of Hong Kong where EMSTF provides maintenance
services for its School of Public Health and Auditorium in Shatin.
Other new venues include the Lai King Building at Princess Margaret
Hospital, and the Nam Cheong Street Public Health Laboratory
Centre. The Division is also developing new services in the
ex-subvented (Schedule 2) hospitals, such as services to assist
the United Christian Hospital in its Magnetic Resonance Imaging
project and energy retrofitting works.
The division redeployed some medical electronics maintenance
staff as some of its services were taken over by other service
providers. It also redeployed a number of medical procurement
and project staff as the client established its own in-house
team. However the net impact has been minimal and the business
lost has been more than compensated for by business growth. |
We take pride in participating in the development
of Hong Kong's health services and are committed
to continuously supporting our partners in the health
sector to give our community a better quality of
life. "
- Alfred Sit, Health Sector Manager |
Leveraging IT capabilities to improve services has taken on
increasing importance. The latest success story has been the
installation of computerised Central Control and Monitoring
Systems (c-CCMS) at Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Queen Mary
Hospital. The first of their kind in Asia, the c-CCMS systems
will ensure the smooth operation of major engineering systems
throughout the entire hospital complexes, by efficiently and
effectively controlling and monitoring their operational status
from a single central control centre.

United Christian Hospital collaborates
with the Health Sector Division in the provision and installation
of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging project. |

sophisticated pulmonary function analyzer
at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital. Our specialist
technician in biomedical engineering provides repair and
maintenance service in this area. |
technician checking the control system of a state-of-the-art
cook-chill installation. |
The adoption of c-CCMS not only achieves manpower savings and
reduces fault response time with the central monitoring engineering
systems located throughout the hospitals, it also promotes EMSTF's
role as a front-runner in the application of sophisticated technology.
The enhancement of integrated services is another key division
objective both for this and next year. The goal is to roll out
integrated service teams, on a regional basis, bringing all
five streams of expertise (electrical, mechanical, air-conditioning,
building services and electronics) together to serve clients
better and faster. Two pilot schemes will be conducted in the
New Territories South Region and the Public Health Laboratory
Centre. It is hoped that this success will lead to a comprehensive
rollout of similar integrated services teams for other clients.
A series of "cross-trade fertilisation" training programmes
have also been held for staff to prepare them for the integrated
service challenges ahead.
The division won a merit award in the Civil Service Bureau's
Civil Service Customer Service Award Scheme for 2000/01, for
its contributions to energy and environment management at client
Looking ahead, the division is fully geared up for increasing
competition and is looking forward to further fostering its
partnerships with customers for another year of steady growth.