Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund










The Project Division administers many major projects, achieving steady progress and marking a number of major milestones in
the past year. It has been another year of revenue growth for the division.

The division is acting as overall project consultant for a large
scale X-ray container truck inspection system at Lok Ma Chau, capable of inspecting 12 vehicles per hour. Final design and the manufacturing of the system are now underway and the project is scheduled to be completed by 2002. The division is also the project consultant for a mobile X-ray Vehicle Inspection System which has been in operation since mid 2001. The mobile system, a vehicle with a highly sophisticated X-ray generator and detector, coupled with intelligent image processing circuitry and a precision movement mechanism, will significantly enhance Customs & Excise operations at Hong Kong's control points.

During the year, the Project Division was awarded the contract for the replacement of the Vessel Traffic Services System, closely supervising the performance of the Contract on behalf of the Marine Department. Provisions for the Control Room under the Contract
" In this ever-evolving technological
environment, we strive to provide
our customers with state-of-the-art
solutionsin addition to being
cost-effective and timely... "
- H.C. Fan, Project Manager
are scheduled for commissioning at the end of 2001, while the entire System with the radar replacements and other new outstation equipment will be completed around the end of 2002. The replacement system will enhance not only operational efficiencies in the monitoring and control of harbour marine traffic, but also incorporate the latest technological provisions such as an Automatic Identification System (AIS), aligning HongKong's systems with the latest requirements of the International Maritime Organisation and the International Telecommunications Union.

A renovated report room at Kwun Tong Police Station, one of the many police station renovation projects we managed.

The Airport Tunnel control room in operation. EMSTF was project manager of the replacement of the Airport Tunnel Traffic Control and Surveillance System.

Testing of a mobile X-ray vehicle inspection system for Customs & Excise Department. EMSTF was project consultant for the design and procurement of the highly sophisticated system.

The trial project on the adoption of Octopus cards for roadside electronic parking metres in progress.
During the year, the Transport Department enlisted the division to supervise its trial on the adoption of Octopus cards for roadside parking applications. This has involved the performance evaluation of eight different electronic parking meter models supplied by five manufacturers, covering 200 parking spaces at four sites in Hong Kong and Kowloon. The supervision of vehicle tunnel refurbishment projects has also been a major area of divisional activity for the Transport Department. In the past year, we saw the successful commissioning of the replacement Traffic Control and Surveillance System for the Airport Tunnel. The replacement system uses advanced video image processing techniques for its
incident detection sub-system and a new pollutant detecting system to meet the latest standards issued by the Environmental Protection Department. The division has also commenced design work for the
replacement Traffic Control and Surveillance System for the Aberdeen Tunnel Improvement work in existing road tunnels is expected to take on increasing importance in the next few years.

To improve ventilation at existing public transport interchanges(PTIs), the division has completed ventilation improvement contracts for five PTIs in the past year and will tender for similar work at another six PTIs in 2001/02.

Following the success of its activities for the "Multi-media Learning Centres" in the past two years under the "IT in Education" initiative, the Quality Education Fund has arranged funds and enlisted the division to fit out IT rooms for a further 300 schools in Hong Kong, with full-scale commissioning targeted for 2002. This has now become an on-going
service and the division is proud of its role in bringing IT acilities to tens of thousands of students in Hong Kong.

The next year is likely to be a further year of steady business growth. Backed by its focus on quality, responsive services and deliverables, and the solid experience of its professionals, the division can expect to continue its growth to serve a wide range of Government departments.


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