Mrs Alice Mak, General Manager (Administrative Services)
Prince of Wales Hospital, Hospital Authority

"We have enjoyed
the close
cooperation with our
EMSD colleagues"

"The most impressive instance about EMSD services was the preparation for the construction of the Trauma and Emergency Centre. The EMSD team was able to help implement the diversion of lifelines for the hospital (including gas, water and drainage pipes and electricity cables) over a weekend without any disturbance to normal hospital operations. This called for meticulous forward planning and demonstrated the team's excellent knowledge of the hospital, and its commitment to quality service.

"EMSD has been very actively involved in our efforts to tackle the Y2K problem. They have set up a workshop to help us assess Y2K compliance in critical items, such as the paging system, the biomedical equipment and the Central Control and Monitoring System. They also helped us draft Y2K contingency plans for electricity, water supply and fire service systems. The team plays an active role in E&M equipment and building services assessment and rectification, and in preparing contingency plans.

"We have enjoyed the close cooperation with our EMSD colleagues."