Beyond the Golden Jubilee

The past year also marked the EMSD's golden jubilee. As we celebrated the Department's 50th year of service to the community, we were also mindful of the many challenges and opportunities for the Trading Fund in the years ahead.

On behalf of the Executive Board of the Trading Fund, I would like to express our sincere thanks to all my EMSTF colleagues for their dedication and hard work, and to our customers for their patronage. Without their support, we would not have continued to make 1998/99 such a successful year. I would also like to thank Mr Hugh Phillipson, the previous General Manager of the Trading Fund, for his contribution. Without his vision, leadership and dedication, the Trading Fund would not be enjoying its strong foundations today.

We look forward to another year of progress and growth in 2000.

Leung Cham-tim, JP
General Manager
Electrical and Mechanical Services Trading Fund