
An effective environmental programme must form an integral part of the management and administration of every responsible corporate citizen today to preserve and sustain a green environment both in Hong Kong and around the world. This environmental report details our activities in the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department as we work to protect, conserve and improve the environment both in our day-to-day operations and our public safety and regulatory activities.
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First and foremost, a clear and well mapped out Environmental Policy that is committed to environmental conservation and protection ensures our direction and focus. This policy builds on our three major roles - as a good corporate citizen, a responsible service provider and a regulatory authority that acts with both foresight and vision - in the community of Hong Kong.
Supporting this policy, we have a number of initiatives in place to sustain a green and quality environment for Hong Kong. Three key programmes help to protect the environment, working to minimise or negate the effects of harmful pollutants in our surroundings - in the air, on land and in our waters. These include the reduction of vehicle emissions in the Government's 7,500 strong vehicle fleet, our comprehensive CFC replacement programme as well as the management and administration of a waste disposal programme for our daily operations. bladed.jpg (15050 bytes)
elephants.jpg (10921 bytes) In the field of conservation, our Energy Efficiency Office with its ongoing schedule of Energy Audits, the Green Manager Scheme and widespread Energy Efficiency programmes, has done a great deal to spread the conservation message throughout the community, while also engaging in a number of activities that both maximise energy efficency and lower its usage. During the process, the more efficient systems implemented have saved our customers millions of dollars in reduced energy costs.

Leading our initiatives to improve the environment is our Indoor Air Quality programme which has helped to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment for many of Hong Kong's government buildings. Also working to improve the overall air quality in Hong Kong, we are closely involved in providing consultancy and full technical support to the Government's LPG Vehicle programme.

In order to strengthen the coordination of our own programmes and practices, we are working on the implementation of an Environmental Management System. This system will provide a systematic approach to every stage in the care of the environment - from the formulation of policy, to planning, implementation, control, revision and review. With such a system in place, we will be seeking ISO 14001 certification, providing international recognition for our efforts in this direction.

Our final initiative touches on the importance of health and safety, together with the need for an integrated quality, environmental, health and safety programme in ensuring the success of a sustainable future.

"EMSD is committed to building a better environment through continuous contributions to environmental conservation and protection."

EMSD Environmental Policy