


Independent Verification Statement

Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) was commissioned by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (the EMSD) to conduct an independent verification of the Social and Environmental Report 2007-08 (herein referred to as “the Report”). The Report described the social, economic and environmental performance of the EMSD for the period from 1st April 2007 to 31st March 2008. The objective of the verification exercise was to provide an independent opinion on the materiality, completeness, accuracy and reliability of the information presented in the Report.

The scope of the verification included all reporting contents presented.

The verification scope included:

  • Assess whether the information presented is accurate and represents the social and environmental
    performance of the EMSD;
  • Verify the reliability of data and information management mechanism for gathering, collating, analyzing and
    presenting the data in the Report;
  • Assess the overall reasonableness and balance of reporting with regard to the information presented;
  • Identify the relevant areas for future improvement.

Our verification procedure included review of relevant documentation, interview with representatives of the EMSD with accountability for preparing the Report and analysis of selected sample of data and information consolidated in the Report. The sample data were verified for accuracy through examination of supporting information.

In the opinion of HKQAA, the EMSD has continued to improve the quality, breadth and overall presentation of the sustainability information. The Report provided a structured, balanced, fair, honest and accurate representation of the environmental, social and economic performance of the EMSD.

All selected data examined during our verification were accurate and consistent with the supporting information reviewed. We are not aware of any misstatement made in relation to the information presented. The materials stated in the Report were reliable in the presentation of the EMSD commitments, initiatives, performance and achievements for the reporting period.


Signed for and on behalf of HKQAA

Connie Sham
Lead Verifier