Main Feature

To ensure delivery of the most efficient and cost-effective service to customers, EMSD has striven to continuously allocate resources in creating and improving systems. In November 2004, the Management Information Systems Unit started development work on an all new Corporate Computer System (CCS) which was subsequently launched and became fully operational in April this year.

The CCS integrates all major management functions under one centralised database. The one-stop enquiry feature allows supervisory personnel across all divisions and units within the department easy access to details such as progress of project, purchasing status, financial transactions and costs breakdown. Frontline staff can now get speedy connection to the network and input data by selecting the appropriate option, greatly enhancing efficiency on the way. In addition to a single database on staff particulars, the CCS can also generate attendance records of Non-civil service contract staff via a new interface developed by EMSD. The data can then be forwarded to the Finance Division for payroll purpose. As the new system is permanently linked to the Lotus Notes e-mail system and electronic Document Management System (eDMS), staff can directly access messages transmitted from the CCS via the Lotus Notes platform, as well as data in the eDMS.

By incorporating new elements into various modes of operation and work processes, the CCS is destined to raise EMSD's efficiency and productivity, whilst ensuring accuracy in data input. The system also enables flexible configuration and customisation to meet specific requirements of each customer, thereby maximising cost-effectiveness of their operation.

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