機電工程署 EMSD 機電3.0 智能機電

Staff Movement

(From left to right) Mr Yiu Tak-tai, Boris; Mr Lee Chi-leung, Eric; Mr Kong Mau-shing, Marsden; Mr Kwan Wai-ming (From left to right) Mr Yiu Tak-tai, Boris; Mr Lee Chi-leung, Eric; Mr Kong Mau-shing, Marsden; Mr Kwan Wai-ming

(From left to right) Mr Yiu Tak-tai, Boris; Mr Lee Chi-leung, Eric; Mr Kong Mau-shing, Marsden; Mr Kwan Wai-ming

(Top) Mr Yiu Tak-tai, Boris (left); Mr Lee Chi-leung, Eric (right)
(Bottom) Mr Kong Mau-shing, Marsden (left); Mr Kwan Wai-ming (right)

Mr Yiu Tak-tai, Boris and Mr Lee Chi-leung, Eric have been appointed as Assistant Director/1 of the EMSD and Assistant Director/3 of the EMSD respectively with effect from 23 December 2024, under the Trading Services team. Mr Yiu oversees the Engineering Services Branch 1 which comprises the Boundary Crossing Facilities and Transport Services Division and the Security and Vehicle Services Division, responsible for providing consultancy, project planning, operation and maintenance services relating to vehicles and E&M facilities to client departments. Mr Lee oversees the Engineering Services Branch 3 which comprises the Digitalisation and Technology Division and the Corporate Services Division, responsible for promoting and co-ordinating innovation and digital transformation effort, developing innovative technologies, as well as providing our corporate with central support services, such as computer systems, customer services, training development, etc.

For the Regulatory Services team, Mr Kong Mau-shing, Marsden and Mr Kwan Wai-ming have been appointed as Assistant Director/Electricity and Energy Efficiency of the EMSD and Chief Engineer/Energy Efficiency C of the EMSD respectively with effect from 23 December 2024. Mr Kong oversees the Electricity and Energy Efficiency Branch which encompasses the Energy Efficiency Office and the Electricity Legislation Division, responsible for the development, implementation and promotion of programmes to improve energy efficiency, to conserve energy, and to encourage the wider adoption of renewable energy, and the enforcement of the Electricity Ordinance. Mr Kwan takes charge of the Energy Efficiency Division C which is responsible for supervising the Fresh Water Cooling Towers Scheme and the District Cooling System.

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