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Inform MTR staff immediately if you see smoke / fire or smell burning

Offer assistance to anyone in need or help move persons with disabilities to a safe location
Fire on a train
Report the fire to the train captain immediately using the Emergency Call handle or Call button and speaking into the microphone

If safe to do so, use the fire extinguisher

Do not open the ventilation windows unless instructed to do so

In the event of a train evacuation, follow the instructions given by MTR staff or Emergency services personnel

If there is a fire outside the train, stay inside the train compartment, remain calm and follow the instructions of MTR Staff
Fire in the station
Report the fire to MTR staff or operate the fire alarm call point (break glass)

Follow the instructions of MTR staff or Emergency services personnel to evacuate the station

Do not use the lift
Do you know any emergency equipment in the MTR?
Copyright reserved by EMSD - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region