Electric Vehicle Maintenance Service Scope

The Vehicle Maintenance Technical Advisory Committee (VMTAC) has included the service scope for Electric Vehicle (EV) maintenance into the existing Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance. 3 levels of EV maintenance service scope are formulated as follows:

Electric Vehicle (Elementary) (EVE) Electric Vehicle (Elementary) (EVE) EV (Elementary) Workshop
Electric Vehicle (Low Voltage) (EVL) Electric Vehicle (Low Voltage) (EVL) EV (Low Voltage) Workshop
Electric Vehicle (High Voltage) (EVH) Electric Vehicle (High Voltage) (EVH) EV (High Voltage) Workshop

Vehicle maintenance mechanics and workshops registered under the existing Voluntary Registration Scheme for Vehicle Maintenance may provide maintenance services to EVs by registering the appropriate level of EV maintenance service scope upon fulfilling specific requirements. The new Registration Card for Vehicle Mechanic with indication of the obtained EV maintenance service scope will be issued starting from mid-2024. Existing Registration Card for Vehicle Mechanic (i.e. without EV maintenance service scope) shall continue to be effective and will be replaced with the new version upon registration renewal, update of service class or update of service scope. For more details of the EV maintenance service scope registration requirements for vehicle maintenance mechanics and workshops, please refer to the below documents:

Introduction of Electric Vehicle Maintenance Service Scope
Introduction of Electric Vehicle Maintenance Service Scope

[PDF format ( 598 KB )]
How to upgrade to an Electric Vehicle Registered Vehicle Mechanic
How to upgrade to an Electric Vehicle Registered Vehicle Mechanic

(Traditional Chinese version)
[PDF format ( 9.95 MB )]
Registration and Identification of Electric Vehicle Maintenance Workshop
Registration and Identification of Electric Vehicle Maintenance Workshop

(Traditional Chinese version)
[PDF format ( 2.85 MB )]

Training for Electric Vehicle Maintenance

The VMTAC has agreed in the 39th VMTAC meeting held on 13 October 2023 to provide two routes for existing Registered Vehicle Mechanics (RVMs) for registering with EV maintenance service scope, namely:

  1. Route 1 – completion of EV maintenance training programs; or
  2. Route 2mechanics that are directly employed and nominated by vehicle manufacturers or authorized dealers after completion of EV maintenance training.

For Route 1, the VMTAC has formulated three levels of EV training programs namely elementary level, low voltage level and high voltage level to ensure practitioners, in particular for vehicle mechanics, equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to become a RVM with EV maintenance service scope to carry out the maintenance work in a safe and effective manner. The EV training programs will be conducted by appropriate training institutes or organizations and the design of training programs shall be endorsed by the VMTAC.

Training institutes or organizations interested in conducting the EV training programs should submit the Application Form for Training Program on Electric Vehicle Maintenance [PDF format ( 700 KB )] Update for seeking endorsement from the VMTAC. Attention should be drawn to the VMTAC's Endorsed Training Criteria (Traditional Chinese version) [PDF format ( 217 KB ) such as expected competence of participants upon completion of the program, minimum training hours, training equipment, etc. dedicated to each of the three levels of EV training programs.  Please refer to the below document for the list of EV maintenance training programs approved by the VMTAC:

For Route 2, the Vehicle Maintenance Registration Unit (VMRU) has designed the Application Form for Training Program on EV Maintenance Provided by Vehicle Manufacturers or Authorized Dealers [PDF format ( 530 KB )], streamlining the nomination process of their employed vehicle maintenance mechanics.

Vehicle manufacturers or authorized dealers should fill in the application form for training program on EV maintenance and submit to VMRU for preliminary vetting, which would be then submitted to the VMTAC for endorsement. Subject to the endorsement of the training program by the VMTAC, vehicle manufacturers or authorized dealers may proceed to submit the Nomination Form by Vehicle Manufacturers or Authorized Dealers [PDF format ( 445 KB )] to nominate their employed vehicle mechanics that have completed relevant EV maintenance training to become registered EV maintenance mechanics.

Practice Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Maintenance

The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and the VMTAC have jointly developed the Practice Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Maintenance for the trade after making reference to relevant international standards. The guidelines provide a list of recommended facilities for EV maintenance, including personal protective equipment, first-aid equipment, fire protection facilities, venue setting, as well as testing and maintenance tools, ensuring the safety of EV maintenance work. Details can be found in the following document.