


ˇ@ Goal, Policy and Steering Committee

   Goal and Policy

As a good corporate citizen, the Department has put in place its Environmental Goal since 2000. Established by senior management in consultation with EMSD employees, it describes the Departmentˇ¦s environmental vision and objectives. To ensure that this Goal is fulfilled, EMSD has drawn up an environmental policy. The policy is reviewed from time to time by the Quality, Environment and Productivity Steering Committee (QEPSC) and approved by senior management.


   Steering Committee

In addition to our dedication to environmental conservation and protection, we are also committed to providing and maintaining a safe environment for employees. To fulfil this commitment, the QEPSC was established in 1996. It is chaired by an Assistant Director with members from each Division/Strategic Business Unit (SBU) and supporting units. The steering committee receives broad-term directives from senior management and is responsible for establishing environmental, safety, quality and productivity initiatives. These initiatives are then cascaded to member representatives who will be responsible for the coordination, implementation and promotion of these initiatives in their respective units, and also for reporting back to the QESPC for approval.





