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On the platform
Wait in line and only in areas indicated by arrows or queuing lines

Let passengers exit from the train before boarding

Be aware of the gap between the platform and the train
  Be aware of the gap between the platform and the train

Never go beyond the barriers at the ends of platforms

Do not rush in or force your way out of a train when the warning chimes sound or the doors are closing
  Do not board or exit when doors are closing

Do not let your body, handbag, backpack or other personal belongings block the train doors, platform screen doors or automatic platform gates as they are closing

If your handbag, backpack or other personal belongings are caught in the closing train doors, let go immediately. Do not continue to hold or attempt to pull trapped objects free

If help or assistance is required, use the Help Line to speak to MTR staff
  If help or assistance is required, use the Help Line to speak to MTR staff

In an emergency, use the Emergency Train Stop button to stop the train

Move to platform areas with more space according to the instructions of staff

Motorised wheelchair users should travel at a speed equivalent to a walking pace inside stations especially at platforms
Platforms without platform screen doors or automatic
platform gates
Stand in line behind the yellow line
  Stand in line behind the yellow line

Ensure all belongings are also behind the yellow line

Take extra care if it is raining, as the floor may be wet or slippery
Platforms with platform screen doors
Stand behind the yellow line in the area marked by the arrows

Do not lean against platform screen doors

Do not place your hand on any part of the moving platform screen doors
  Do not lean against platform screen doors
Platforms with automatic platform gates
Stand behind the yellow line in the area marked by the arrows

Do not lean on the automatic platform gates
  Do not lean on the automatic platform gates

Do not let any part of you or your child's body protrude beyond the gates
  Do not let any part of you or your child's body protrude beyond the gates

Never sit children or place bags, cameras or other objects on top of the gates


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