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On the track
Never under any circumstances trespass onto the track
Never under any circumstances trespass onto the track
If you accidentally fall from a platform onto the track:
Remain calm

Shout for help

Ensure your body is clear of the rails

If possible, try to lie in the space underneath the platform edge or the space between the rails and the wall where there is more clearance

Wait for MTR staff to assist you back onto the platform
If you see someone fall onto the track:
Press the Emergency Train Stop button on the platform wherever available
  Press the Emergency Train Stop button on the platform wherever available

Immediately report the incident to MTR staff
  Immediately report the incident to MTR staff

Immediately report the incident to MTR staff

Never attempt to go down onto the track
If something drops onto the track:
Ask MTR staff for assistance
  Ask MTR staff for assistance

Never try to reach down to pick up the object
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